
Personal Development Salt States

Primary LanguageScheme

A collection of state files for testing OS upgrades and different development environments.

# **Package Base Box**
vagrant package --base my-virtual-machine --output name.box

# **Base Boxes**

# ** Salt/Vagrant/Virtualbox Notes **
1. user.present
  - requires hashed password
  - python -c "import crypt; print crypt.crypt('password', '\$6\$SALTsalt\$')"
2. Virtualbox file shares are slow.  Consider moving to NFS, requires private network
   and (nfs-common and rpcbind/portmap packages)
   See https://coderwall.com/p/uaohzg
3. Modifying path may require change to sudoer file
   Issue 1673 (hashicorp/vagrant#1673)
   sudo visudo -> remove secure path and add "Defaults env_keep = "PATH""

# **Developing Saltstack**
TODO: This is not pretty
1. Add saltstack submodule
2. Add flag to vagrant_config.yml
3. checkout with submodule

# **TODO**

1. VPN
    - Office
2. Setup Printers