
SJJB Map Icons - Created for OSM via Mapnik to Establish a simple Vector Layor for Cartographic Purposes

Primary LanguageCSS

SSJB Map Icons

SJJB Map Icons - Created for OSM via Mapnik to Establish a simple Vector Layor for Cartographic Purposes
The icons where particularly created for use with Open Street Map data using the Mapnik renderer and as such many of the naming conventions are based on those used for Open Street Map tags.


These map icons are an attempt to create a simple consistent set of vector icons suitable for cartographic use. The icons where particularly created for use with Open Street Map data using the Mapnik renderer and as such many of the naming conventions are based on those used for Open Street Map tags.


CC0 To the extent possible under law, SJJB Management has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to SJJB SVG Map Icons. This work is published from United Kingdom. That said, if you are making extensive use of these icons and your medium is suitable a credit would always be appreciated linking back to this page. For instance: "Map icons CC-0 from SJJB Management"

Acknowledgments A number of these icons are derived from US National Park Service Cartography. Other symbols have been derived from Public Domain sources; details for individual symbols are available in SOURCES.txt which is included with the distribution. All sources are belived to be Public Domain.

Found here: http://www.sjjb.co.uk/mapicons/
Linux Shell Scripts for generating .png found here: https://github.com/twain47/Open-SVG-Map-Icons
NOTE: Shell Scripts require both rsvg and convert to be installed on your box.

NPS Pictograph (.ai) Sets for all icons found here: http://adamwilbert.com/2011/03/nps-pictograph-symbol-sets/

Pictographs -> Illustrator
Unzip pictographs and place .ai file into Illustrator's Symbols folder. You actually have have a few default locations, depending on which version of Illustrator you have, as well as your workflow(s). Typically, the following locations in Mac OS X, and Windows, respectively

PC: C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Illustrator/Presets/Symbols
Mac: ~ \ library \ ApplicationSupport \ Adobe \ Adobe Illustrator CS-Whatever \ en_US \ symbols

After you drop the .ai files, restart Illustrator and navigate to the libraries:
Window Menu > Symbol Libraries > NPS Picographs