
This is a Weibo comments processing toolbox; 这是一个微博评论分析工具,实现功能主要有:1.微博评论数据爬取;2.分词与关键词提取;3.词云与词频统计;4.情感分析;5.主题聚类

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This repository is a simple NLP project for beginners and will be updated occasionally.

Its mainly based on python3.6, OS X.

Please follow the restrictions in Apache-2.0 Licence before you use this repository.

All rights reserved by Ming Jin.



  1. 微博评论数据爬取;
  2. 分词与关键词提取;
  3. 词云与词频统计;
  4. 情感分析;
  5. 主题聚类

实现的效果在目录下: “ 案例:泰国大象踩踏伤人事件 ”

This is a Weibo comments processing toolbox, which has been implemented for:

  1. Weibo comments crawler that based on regular expression
  2. Tokenization, filtration and key words extraction
  3. Words cloud and visualization
  4. Sentiment analysis
  5. Topic clustering that based on LDA

Code also works on Twitter and I may update a new repository about it.

Pre-Requirements Checklist

MySQL is required(Highly recommend MySQL Workbench)

  1. importlib;
  2. sys;
  3. time;
  4. requests;
  5. lxml
  6. pymysql;
  7. jieba;
  8. PIL
  9. numpy & matplotlib;
  10. wordcloud;
  11. snownlp;
  12. logging;
  13. configparser;
  14. random;
  15. codecs;
  16. os;