
A simple library intended to break texts into structured data based on configuration files.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

PHP Simple TextParser


This is a simple, extensible, lightweight library with zero dependencies, made with the aim to make process of converting text files into structured data a little more easy.

Perfect to work with EDI Formats like Febraban CNAB240, Febraban CNAB400, Serasa Pefin etc..

Atenttion: This library isn't ready for production yet and can have breaking changes in the next versions

How to use

To use this library you must create a Layout file defining how you want to parse a string.

You can also specify a class to use as "Encoder" and "Decoder", for example, you can definy an Encoder that gets a DateTime and encode it to to "2019-01-06" when Writing, and decode to a DateTime again when Reading.

See folder docs/samples/ to know the available configs.

After the Layouts are created, you can also create a Template to combine multiple layouts and parse a String that has multiples pattern. See sample 4 - Templates.


  • Improve docs
  • Create unit tests
  • Create more loaders
  • Create option to extend a Layout
  • Implement an optional cache system for the template config
  • Implement an Template Reader with Generator/Iterator
  • Review the Unique Identification for Template Itens (array_count_values doesn't permit arrays)
  • Create a default option for encode/decode