
Testing Javascript and ES6 with mocha, chai, sinon

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Javascript + ES6 + mocha.js + chai.js + sinon.js This is a project for testing Javascript + ES6, with mocha.js, chai.js and sinon.js

Many of the examples and much of the wording in the tests come from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/

This project is primarily a learning tool, however it could be used for testing whether certain features exist within a particular environment.

Useful links:

##Setup ###Install mocha Get the project then, make sure you have mocha installed globally or run: run:

npm install mocha -g

###Setup the project


npm install

##Testing To run the tests and watch for changes in the 'test' directory:

mocha -w test/**/**.js


This does the same as above:

npm test

###Run Object specific tests There are a few ways to run object specific tests.

The package.json has tests configured for several bultin objects which includes their subsequent methods/properties.

  "scripts": {
    "test": "mocha -w --harmony",
    "test__Array" : "mocha -w test/test__Array**.js --harmony",
    "test__Function" : "mocha -w test/test__Function**.js --harmony",
    "test__Math" : "mocha -w test/test__Math**.js --harmony",
    "test__Number" : "mocha -w test/test__Number**.js --harmony",
    "test__Object" : "mocha -w test/test__Object**.js --harmony",
    "test__Promise" : "mocha -w test/test__Promise**.js --harmony",
    "test__String" : "mocha -w test/test__String**.js --harmony"

These scripts can be run in the project root with the following command pattern example for Array:

npm run-script test__Array

OR, of course you can just run the mocha script itself:

mocha -w test/test__Array**.js --harmony

###Run file specific tests

mocha -w test/test__Array.js --harmony


###mocha.opts Wondering where the flags are for the mocha command? check the following file:


Wondering why the --harmony flag is not in mocha.opts? It is because it doesn't work that way.

###Polyfills by default, the tests are run with polyfills if available, to turn off polyfills run your tests like this:

NOPOLYFILLS=true mocha -w test/**/**.js --harmony

###Timezones by default, the timezone is based on system local time, however you can modify the timezone for the process to test other timezones

TZ='Europe/Amsterdam' mocha -w test/**/**.js --harmony

##Benchmarks To run a benchmark found in the benchmark directory, use node to execute the file:

node benchmark/benchmark__string_search.js

##node REPL ES6 To run node REPL with “full” ES6 features*:

node --harmony

*includes all ES6 features available in your version of node, not necessarily all ES6 features that have been drafted.


  • go back through and clean up tests, add all conditions for return values in descriptions (Array, Object)

  • Built-In objects

    • Intl
    • RegExp
    • Intl
    • JSON
    • GeneratorFunction
    • ArrayBuffer
    • DataView
    • Reflect
    • Proxy
    • Map
    • Set
    • WeakMap
    • WeakSet
    • SIMD
    • Int8Array
    • Uint8Array
    • Uint8ClampedArray
    • Int16Array
    • Uint16Array
    • Int32Array
    • Uint32Array
    • Float32Array
    • Float64Array
  • add shim support

  • setup for browser (Karma)

  • benchmarks String.prototype.localeCompare() Performance When comparing large numbers of strings, such as in sorting large arrays, it is better to create an Intl.Collator object and use the function provided by its compare property.