Motivational Messages Project

Codecademy - Fullstack Engineer Path

Project Objectives:

  • Build a message generator program using JavaScript
  • Use Git version control
  • Use command line
  • Develop locally on your computer

What I've learned

For this project, I took the time to practice building a program that will generate random motivational messages to the user with three different data sets in an object. Codecademy has a cheat sheet on Objects which helped me a lot along the way of building this program. I created the following three methods within my mixed messages object: quote(), motivation(), and affirmation(). Separating each data set in each method of the object made it a lot easier for me to read my code during implementation.

Moreover, I utilized Git Bash to set up version control in my directory. The Git cheat sheet was a great resource that helped me with setting up version control and creating a new branch. I learned the importance of working on a separate branch rather than working on the main branch and to merge the branches together once I finish building my program.

Challenges I overcomed:

Git Bash was a little struggle for me at the beginning but thankfully I was able to locate the Git cheat sheet, it helped tremendously. One area I really had a hard time was trying to merge my test-branch to my master branch. I kept inputting git merge master while I was currently on the test-branch but I kept getting a 'Already up to date.' message in Git Bash. I was able to resolve this issue by testing git checkout master so I can see what VSCode will show. It switched me to the master branch which the file was empty. So I input git merge test-branch so the branch I was working on can be merged to the master. The master branch was updated.


JavaScript Strings
Learn JavaScript Syntax: Objects
Git Cheat Sheet
MDN: Math.random()