Sledilnik Social
Basic API extraction to serve Sledilnik's API data in a Social media form.
ver 0.5.0
Two new tabs: 'Posnetki' and 'Grafi'.
Add Covid-10 Sledilnik chart and card screenshots. Screenshots are created with two different AWS lambda functions.
Screenshots in tabs 'Posnetki' and 'Grafi' are created with sledilnik-screnshots AWS Lambda Function. Download will start by clicking on image.
Screenshots in tabs 'LAB' are 'HOS' are created with SledilnikScreenshots AWS Lambda Function. Download will start by clicking on appropriate icon.
'Posnetki' tab
Screenshots are stored in browser local storage base64
encoded. If local storage value is null
then it will call sledilnik-screnshots AWS Lambda Function.
Clicking on image
should start download.
Clicking on button
'Vse' should zip
all images
and download zip
Clicking on button
'Multi kartice', 'Grafi' or 'Kartice' should zip
and download just images in each section.
We are also storing last timestamp. If timestamp
is old then we re-fetch all screenshots.
'Grafi' tab
At the bottom of the page is iframe
with selected chart
Select your choice and click button
'Naredi posnetek grafa'.
Clicking on button
will call SledilnikScreenshots AWS Lambda Function. Clicking on image
should start download.
Those screenshots are not stored in local storage.
- MetricsComparison
- DailyComparison
- Tests
- Vaccinations
- Regions100k
- Map
- Municipalities
- Sewage
- Schools
- SchoolStatus
- Patients
- IcuPatients
- CarePatients
- AgeGroupsTimeline
- WeeklyDemographic
- AgeGroups
- MetricsCorrelation
- Deceased
- ExcessDeaths
- Infections
- HcCases
- EuropeMap
- Sources
- Cases
- RegionMap
- Regions
- PhaseDiagram
- Spread
- WorldMap
- Ratios
- HCenters
Custom charts
- IcuPatients:
- twoMonthsTooltip
- Patients:
- twoMonthsTooltip
- DailyComparison:
- casesConfirmedTooltip
- casesActiveTooltip
- performedPCRTooltip
- sharePCRTooltip
- testsHATTooltip
- vaccinesUsedTooltip
- admittedHospitalsTooltip
- dischargedHospitalsTooltip
- admittedICUTooltip
- deceasedTooltip
- Regions100k:
- casesConfirmed7DayAvg,
- casesConfrimedActive,
- casesConfirmedAll,
- vaccinated7DayAvg
- vaccinatedDose1
- vaccinatedDose2
- deceased
- Map:
- weeklyGrowth
- absolute1Day
- populationsShare1Day
- distribution1Day
- absolute7Days
- populationShare7Days
- distribution7Days
- weeklyGrowthTooltip
- absolute1DayTooltip
- populationShare1DayTooltip
- distribution1DayTooltip
- absolute7DaysTooltip
- populationShare7DaysTooltip
- distribution7DaysTooltip
- vaccinated1stPopulationShare
- vaccinated1stPopulationShareTooltip
- vaccinated1stAbsolute
- vaccinated1stAbsoluteTooltip
- vaccinated2ndPopulationShare
- vaccinated2ndPopulationShareTooltip
- vaccinated2ndAbsolute
- vaccinated2ndAbsoluteTooltip
- Municipalities:
- gorenjskaSortByLast
- goriskaSortByLast
- jvSlovenijaSortByLast
- koroskaSortByLast
- obalnoKraskaSortByLast
- osrednjeSlovenskaSortByLast
- podravskaSortByLast
- pomurskaSortByLast
- posavskaSortByLast
- primorskoNotranjskaSortByLast
- savinjskaSortByLast
- zasavskaSortByLast
- AgeGroupsTimeline:
- twoMonthsNewCasesTooltip
ver 0.4.0
Endpoints for data fetch are set in urlDict.js
New Features
- show only one post at the time
- timestamps contexts
- data context
- social context
- count characters for twitter with twitter-text package
- weekly growth per town
- toggle Municipalities icons show/hide
- toggle show trend weekly growth/15d trend
- show social and in ToClipboard
Endpoint: - PCR
- ActiveCases
- Vaccination
- ConfirmedToDate
Endpoint: - Hospitalized
- OnRespiratory
- Care
- Deceased
- InHospitals
Endpoint: - PerAge
Endpoint: - Municipalities