No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen
This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.php.PhpClientCodegen
PHP 5.5 and later
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"require": {
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
$config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('sw-access-key', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('sw-access-key', 'Bearer');
$apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\CategoryApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$id = "38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d"; // string | Identifier for the category
try {
$result = $apiInstance->getCategory($id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling CategoryApi->getCategory: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
$config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('sw-access-key', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('sw-access-key', 'Bearer');
$apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\CategoryApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$limit = 56; // int | Max amount of resources to be returned in a page
$page = 56; // int | The page to be returned
$query = "query_example"; // string | Encoded SwagQL in JSON
try {
$result = $apiInstance->getCategoryList($limit, $page, $query);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling CategoryApi->getCategoryList: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
CategoryApi | getCategory | GET /category/{id} | Detailed information about a Category resource |
CategoryApi | getCategoryList | GET /category | List with basic information of Category resources |
CountryApi | getCountry | GET /country/{id} | Detailed information about a Country resource |
CountryApi | getCountryList | GET /country | List with basic information of Country resources |
CountryStateApi | getCountryState | GET /country-state/{id} | Detailed information about a Country State resource |
CountryStateApi | getCountryStateList | GET /country-state | List with basic information of Country State resources |
CurrencyApi | getCurrency | GET /currency/{id} | Detailed information about a Currency resource |
CurrencyApi | getCurrencyList | GET /currency | List with basic information of Currency resources |
LanguageApi | getLanguage | GET /language/{id} | Detailed information about a Language resource |
LanguageApi | getLanguageList | GET /language | List with basic information of Language resources |
MainCategoryApi | getMainCategory | GET /main-category/{id} | Detailed information about a Main Category resource |
MainCategoryApi | getMainCategoryList | GET /main-category | List with basic information of Main Category resources |
PaymentMethodApi | getPaymentMethod | GET /payment-method/{id} | Detailed information about a Payment Method resource |
PaymentMethodApi | getPaymentMethodList | GET /payment-method | List with basic information of Payment Method resources |
ProductApi | getProduct | GET /product/{id} | Detailed information about a Product resource |
ProductApi | getProductList | GET /product | List with basic information of Product resources |
SalesChannelApiApi | createCart | POST /checkout/cart | |
SalesChannelApiApi | getCrossSelling | GET /product/{id}/cross-selling | |
SalutationApi | getSalutation | GET /salutation/{id} | Detailed information about a Salutation resource |
SalutationApi | getSalutationList | GET /salutation | List with basic information of Salutation resources |
SeoUrlApi | getSeoUrl | GET /seo-url/{id} | Detailed information about a Seo Url resource |
SeoUrlApi | getSeoUrlList | GET /seo-url | List with basic information of Seo Url resources |
ShippingMethodApi | getShippingMethod | GET /shipping-method/{id} | Detailed information about a Shipping Method resource |
ShippingMethodApi | getShippingMethodList | GET /shipping-method | List with basic information of Shipping Method resources |
- AclResourceFlat
- AclRoleFlat
- AclUserRoleFlat
- AnyOfrelationships
- Attributes
- Category
- CategoryFlat
- CategoryRelationships
- CategoryRelationshipsChildren
- CategoryRelationshipsChildrenData
- CategoryRelationshipsChildrenLinks
- CategoryRelationshipsCmsPage
- CategoryRelationshipsCmsPageData
- CategoryRelationshipsCmsPageLinks
- CategoryRelationshipsMainCategories
- CategoryRelationshipsMainCategoriesData
- CategoryRelationshipsMainCategoriesLinks
- CategoryRelationshipsMedia
- CategoryRelationshipsMediaData
- CategoryRelationshipsMediaLinks
- CategoryRelationshipsNestedProducts
- CategoryRelationshipsNestedProductsData
- CategoryRelationshipsNestedProductsLinks
- CategoryRelationshipsParent
- CategoryRelationshipsParentData
- CategoryRelationshipsParentLinks
- CategoryRelationshipsProducts
- CategoryRelationshipsProductsData
- CategoryRelationshipsProductsLinks
- CategoryRelationshipsSeoUrls
- CategoryRelationshipsSeoUrlsData
- CategoryRelationshipsSeoUrlsLinks
- CategoryRelationshipsTags
- CategoryRelationshipsTagsData
- CategoryRelationshipsTagsLinks
- CategoryTagFlat
- CmsBlockFlat
- CmsPageFlat
- CmsPageFlatConfig
- CmsSectionFlat
- CmsSlotFlat
- Country
- CountryFlat
- CountryRelationships
- CountryRelationshipsStates
- CountryRelationshipsStatesData
- CountryRelationshipsStatesLinks
- CountryState
- CountryStateFlat
- CountryStateRelationships
- CountryStateRelationshipsCountry
- CountryStateRelationshipsCountryData
- CountryStateRelationshipsCountryLinks
- Currency
- CurrencyFlat
- CurrencyRelationships
- CurrencyRelationshipsPromotionDiscountPrices
- CurrencyRelationshipsPromotionDiscountPricesData
- CurrencyRelationshipsPromotionDiscountPricesLinks
- CustomFieldFlat
- CustomFieldSetFlat
- CustomFieldSetRelationFlat
- CustomerAddressFlat
- CustomerFlat
- CustomerGroupFlat
- CustomerRecoveryFlat
- CustomerTagFlat
- Data
- DeadMessageFlat
- DeliveryTimeFlat
- DocumentBaseConfigFlat
- DocumentBaseConfigSalesChannelFlat
- DocumentFlat
- DocumentTypeFlat
- Error
- ErrorSource
- EventActionFlat
- Failure
- ImportExportFileFlat
- ImportExportLogFlat
- ImportExportProfileFlat
- Info
- InlineResponse200
- InlineResponse2001
- InlineResponse20010
- InlineResponse20011
- InlineResponse20012
- InlineResponse20013
- InlineResponse20014
- InlineResponse20015
- InlineResponse20016
- InlineResponse20017
- InlineResponse20018
- InlineResponse20019
- InlineResponse2002
- InlineResponse20020
- InlineResponse20021
- InlineResponse20022
- InlineResponse20023
- InlineResponse20024
- InlineResponse20025
- InlineResponse20026
- InlineResponse20027
- InlineResponse20028
- InlineResponse20029
- InlineResponse2003
- InlineResponse20030
- InlineResponse20031
- InlineResponse20032
- InlineResponse20033
- InlineResponse20034
- InlineResponse2004
- InlineResponse2005
- InlineResponse2006
- InlineResponse2007
- InlineResponse2008
- InlineResponse2009
- IntegrationFlat
- Jsonapi
- Language
- LanguageFlat
- LanguageRelationships
- LanguageRelationshipsChildren
- LanguageRelationshipsChildrenData
- LanguageRelationshipsChildrenLinks
- LanguageRelationshipsLocale
- LanguageRelationshipsLocaleData
- LanguageRelationshipsLocaleLinks
- LanguageRelationshipsParent
- LanguageRelationshipsParentData
- LanguageRelationshipsParentLinks
- LanguageRelationshipsTranslationCode
- LanguageRelationshipsTranslationCodeLinks
- Link
- Linkage
- Links
- LocaleFlat
- LogEntryFlat
- MailHeaderFooterFlat
- MailTemplateFlat
- MailTemplateMediaFlat
- MailTemplateSalesChannelFlat
- MailTemplateTypeFlat
- MainCategory
- MainCategoryFlat
- MainCategoryRelationships
- MainCategoryRelationshipsCategory
- MainCategoryRelationshipsCategoryLinks
- MainCategoryRelationshipsProduct
- MainCategoryRelationshipsProductData
- MainCategoryRelationshipsProductLinks
- MediaDefaultFolderFlat
- MediaFlat
- MediaFolderConfigurationFlat
- MediaFolderConfigurationMediaThumbnailSizeFlat
- MediaFolderFlat
- MediaTagFlat
- MediaThumbnailFlat
- MediaThumbnailSizeFlat
- MessageQueueStatsFlat
- Meta
- NewsletterRecipientFlat
- NewsletterRecipientTagFlat
- NumberRangeFlat
- NumberRangeSalesChannelFlat
- NumberRangeStateFlat
- NumberRangeTypeFlat
- OneOfdata
- OneOflink
- OrderAddressFlat
- OrderCustomerFlat
- OrderDeliveryFlat
- OrderDeliveryPositionFlat
- OrderFlat
- OrderFlatPrice
- OrderFlatShippingCosts
- OrderFlatShippingCostsListPrice
- OrderLineItemFlat
- OrderTagFlat
- OrderTransactionFlat
- Pagination
- PaymentMethod
- PaymentMethodFlat
- PaymentMethodRelationships
- PaymentMethodRelationshipsAvailabilityRule
- PaymentMethodRelationshipsAvailabilityRuleData
- PaymentMethodRelationshipsAvailabilityRuleLinks
- PaymentMethodRelationshipsMedia
- PaymentMethodRelationshipsMediaLinks
- PluginFlat
- Product
- ProductCategoryFlat
- ProductCategoryTreeFlat
- ProductConfiguratorSettingFlat
- ProductCrossSellingFlat
- ProductExportFlat
- ProductFlat
- ProductKeywordDictionaryFlat
- ProductManufacturerFlat
- ProductMediaFlat
- ProductOptionFlat
- ProductPriceFlat
- ProductPropertyFlat
- ProductRelationships
- ProductRelationshipsCategories
- ProductRelationshipsCategoriesData
- ProductRelationshipsCategoriesLinks
- ProductRelationshipsCategoriesRo
- ProductRelationshipsCategoriesRoData
- ProductRelationshipsCategoriesRoLinks
- ProductRelationshipsChildren
- ProductRelationshipsChildrenData
- ProductRelationshipsChildrenLinks
- ProductRelationshipsCover
- ProductRelationshipsCoverData
- ProductRelationshipsCoverLinks
- ProductRelationshipsCrossSellings
- ProductRelationshipsCrossSellingsData
- ProductRelationshipsCrossSellingsLinks
- ProductRelationshipsDeliveryTime
- ProductRelationshipsDeliveryTimeData
- ProductRelationshipsDeliveryTimeLinks
- ProductRelationshipsMainCategories
- ProductRelationshipsMainCategoriesData
- ProductRelationshipsMainCategoriesLinks
- ProductRelationshipsManufacturer
- ProductRelationshipsManufacturerData
- ProductRelationshipsManufacturerLinks
- ProductRelationshipsMedia
- ProductRelationshipsMediaData
- ProductRelationshipsMediaLinks
- ProductRelationshipsOptions
- ProductRelationshipsOptionsData
- ProductRelationshipsOptionsLinks
- ProductRelationshipsParent
- ProductRelationshipsParentLinks
- ProductRelationshipsPrices
- ProductRelationshipsPricesData
- ProductRelationshipsPricesLinks
- ProductRelationshipsProductReviews
- ProductRelationshipsProductReviewsData
- ProductRelationshipsProductReviewsLinks
- ProductRelationshipsProperties
- ProductRelationshipsPropertiesData
- ProductRelationshipsPropertiesLinks
- ProductRelationshipsSeoUrls
- ProductRelationshipsSeoUrlsData
- ProductRelationshipsSeoUrlsLinks
- ProductRelationshipsTags
- ProductRelationshipsTagsData
- ProductRelationshipsTagsLinks
- ProductRelationshipsTax
- ProductRelationshipsTaxData
- ProductRelationshipsTaxLinks
- ProductRelationshipsUnit
- ProductRelationshipsUnitData
- ProductRelationshipsUnitLinks
- ProductReviewFlat
- ProductSearchKeywordFlat
- ProductStreamFilterFlat
- ProductStreamFlat
- ProductTagFlat
- ProductVisibilityFlat
- PromotionCartRuleFlat
- PromotionDiscountFlat
- PromotionDiscountPricesFlat
- PromotionDiscountRuleFlat
- PromotionFlat
- PromotionIndividualCodeFlat
- PromotionOrderRuleFlat
- PromotionPersonaCustomerFlat
- PromotionPersonaRuleFlat
- PromotionSalesChannelFlat
- PromotionSetgroupFlat
- PromotionSetgroupRuleFlat
- PropertyGroupFlat
- PropertyGroupOptionFlat
- RelationshipLinks
- RelationshipToMany
- RelationshipToOne
- Relationships
- Resource
- RuleConditionFlat
- RuleFlat
- SalesChannelCountryFlat
- SalesChannelCurrencyFlat
- SalesChannelDomainFlat
- SalesChannelFlat
- SalesChannelLanguageFlat
- SalesChannelPaymentMethodFlat
- SalesChannelShippingMethodFlat
- SalesChannelTypeFlat
- Salutation
- SalutationFlat
- ScheduledTaskFlat
- SeoUrl
- SeoUrlFlat
- SeoUrlRelationships
- SeoUrlRelationshipsLanguage
- SeoUrlRelationshipsLanguageLinks
- SeoUrlTemplateFlat
- ShippingMethod
- ShippingMethodFlat
- ShippingMethodPriceFlat
- ShippingMethodRelationships
- ShippingMethodRelationshipsAvailabilityRule
- ShippingMethodRelationshipsAvailabilityRuleLinks
- ShippingMethodRelationshipsDeliveryTime
- ShippingMethodRelationshipsDeliveryTimeLinks
- ShippingMethodRelationshipsMedia
- ShippingMethodRelationshipsMediaLinks
- ShippingMethodRelationshipsPrices
- ShippingMethodRelationshipsPricesData
- ShippingMethodRelationshipsPricesLinks
- ShippingMethodRelationshipsTags
- ShippingMethodRelationshipsTagsData
- ShippingMethodRelationshipsTagsLinks
- ShippingMethodTagFlat
- SnippetFlat
- SnippetSetFlat
- StateMachineFlat
- StateMachineHistoryFlat
- StateMachineStateFlat
- StateMachineTransitionFlat
- Success
- SystemConfigFlat
- SystemConfigFlatConfigurationValue
- TagFlat
- TaxFlat
- TaxRuleFlat
- TaxRuleFlatData
- TaxRuleTypeFlat
- ThemeFlat
- ThemeMediaFlat
- ThemeSalesChannelFlat
- UnitFlat
- UserAccessKeyFlat
- UserFlat
- UserRecoveryFlat
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: sw-access-key
- Location: HTTP header