
Showcase for flask API

Primary LanguagePython

Flask API Showcase

This repository is not a working solution. It is abstracted from a flask based microservice that I built before.

A microservice that serves all needs of _ calculation. This is just a wrapper of _ library and flask was used to serve requests. (flask-morest)


Date *** Version
2022-05-16 92be9ea21ae858056a0e9b5dc17dda5f83cd05f4
2022-05-19 05cd9c690cb5b70df650f8df93dbbb6feb01968c


The service is stateless. It only delegates the calculation to the *** library and returns the result.

Dev Environment

For package maintenance, pip-tools is used. The minimum required packages are listed in requirements.in. Whenever a command pip-compile --upgrade is executed, requirements.txt is generated/updated automatically.

# virtual env activated
pip install pip-tools
pip-compile --upgrade
pip install -r requirements.txt
make start

You can simply run make in the root of the folder to see the available commands.

Running tests

make test runs the tests

On every push to develop branch, tests will be executed.


make build builds a docker image.

On every push to master branch, a new version of docker image is built and pushed to hub.


On every push to deploy branch, the corresponding pipeline deploy-***-analysis-service on helmchart repo will be triggered. This updates the pod running on the cluster at http://***-analysis-internal.***.us.

API Documentation

make openapi-push creates openapi.json from the code and pushes to Swagger Hub at https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/***/***-analysis/.