
React demo application with webpack, backend api, hapi server for service proxying and static asset serving.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


React.js application used as the homepage on fancycars.ca website.


  • Webpack asset build
  • React components
  • Grommet UI library
  • Hapi
  • HMR
  • Prettier
  • ESLint
  • VSCode Config
  • Babel

Next Release

  • Server-side rendering
  • Remove Grommet UI
  • Component examples with CSS-in-JS


High level development dependencies:


To setup and run the application follow the steps below, once the

$ git clone git@github.com:jalleyne/fancycarsca-react-demo-app.git
$ nvm use
$ yarn install # install with yarn OR
$ npm i # install with npm


  • Run the React and Hapi servers simultaniously for development purposes.

    $ npm run dev
  • Startup the backend server only, this will server whatever files are in the dist folder. You should run build before this unless you are testing an existing artifact.

    $ npm run dev:server
  • Startup the frontend server to bundle and reload the React client side files.

    $ npm run dev:react


Production build and deployment steps.

$ npm run build # outputs production build to ./dist folder
$ npm start # starts up a Hapi server instance to server static files and act as a backend for frontend react code.


Package up the bundle into a tarball for download.

$ npm run package # outputs tarball in `./releases/` directory
