Inception.* is a collective of code based on methodologies used to develop web based applications. Inception is built to leverage OpenSource technologies such as HTML5 Boilerplate, RESTful data access among others.
- Clone the git repo -
git clone git://
- or download it - Modify /src/bin/settings.php to match your site configuration
- Remove unwanted features/ files
- Add files to /src/bin/en-CA default content folder
- Based on HTML5 Boilerplate
- HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, PHP & SQL scripts
- PHP RESTful Data access API
- RESTful page structures/ view route mapping
- Facebook/ Twitter share integration
- Facebook OpenGraph enabled
- JavaScript helper Library
- HTML5 Boilerplate Features
- Speedup page loads with ajax page requests
- Upgrade browsers prompt for outdated browsers
- HTTPS/ SSL aware
- Modify /src/bin/settings.php to edit database access
- Modify /scr/bin/i/routes.xml to setup data access routes
- Create route handlers in /src/bin/i/handlers/
- RESTful Data access API similar to Facebook Graph API
- .XML route configuration
- Auto-validation of route parameters
- JSON response format
All of the credit really goes to Paul Irish and the rest of the team contributing to HTML5 Boilerplate. These are modifications and methodologies to build a more specific type of web application.
- HTML5 Boilerplater: Public Domain
- jQuery: MIT/GPL license
- Modernizr: MIT/BSD license
- Respond.js: MIT/GPL license
- Normalize.css: Public Domain
- Upgrade Browsers: Public Domain
The Unlicense (aka: public domain)