
Instructions and code to create an Alexa Hosted Audio skill in python

Primary LanguagePython


Instructions and code to create an Alexa Hosted Audio skill in python Look at README.docx or briefly, they are:

Watch the video at: You tube video: https://youtu.be/eRbn0711hK0

Create an Alexa Hosted python skill – I’ve called it johns music box

Add audio player interface.

Change intent json code to that in the README.docx file

Check / Change the invocation

Save and build model

Upload music to S3 Storage. Click the S3 icon, upload your music and images, keep a record of the key. They begin with Media/...

Copy the lambda_function.py code from this repo and replace the code in your skill.

Replace any S3 file names

Try it out!

Part 2 - Add more music and resume, next, previous and startOver intents

Part two in action at: https://youtu.be/3wu2-m2KZT0

Part two (first part) coding example at: https://youtu.be/ArT9sH1BM20

Part two (second part) coding example at: https://youtu.be/AU8HMycFcYQ