
Contains all the implementaion of theory that I am learning in Digital Communications in this 5th semester.

Primary LanguagePython

Digital Communication

This repository is basically the whole implementation of Simon Haykin and our course that we have to study in 5th Semester and it goes by the name Digital Communication. The Course can be found here : http://nitkkr.ac.in/docs/Annexure%202.pdf

Getting Started

Many of the electronics and communication students lack the power to replicate what is written in brilliant Books like Simon Haykin, thus we lack the required problem solving skills needed. And we get stuck if somebody asks us the change on output waveform as one changes some input parameters. If you are a electronics and communication student ask yourself Did you apply the theory that you learnt in books like Simon Hayin, Populis For Random Variables etc.

This project enables me to think of an algorithm, improve my technical skills, write good pythonic code and finally learn Python specific scientific libraries and plotters like scipy, numpy, seaborn etc.


  1. Python is a pre-requisite and some knowledge of linear algebra.
  2. Google and StackOverflow is the key ; at any point you have any difficulty in pointing out what a particular numpy method does Search it.


  1. git clone https://github.com/jalotra/DigitalCommunication
  2. cd DigitalCommunication
  3. python3 -m venv venv
  4. source venv/bin/activate
  5. pip install -r requirements.txt

Folder Description:

BaseBandSignalTransmission contains :

  1. GaussianNoise.py -- Contains class that implements a gaussian white noise and returns its samples or plots its time-response.

  2. BasebandWaveforms.py -- Contains class that right now implements UnitStep Function and a pulse function , Sine and Cosine waves of particular frequency has to implemented.

  3. AdditiveGaussianNoise.py -- Contains methods that add the Gaussian White Noise to a Baseband Signal.

  4. MatchedFilter.py -- Contains class that implements a matched filter response if g(t) is the input waveform the matchedFilter impulse response is K*g(T-t). See Docs for more details.

  5. FinalConvolution.py -- Contains class that convolves the input - noisyBaseBand waveform with that of the Matchedfilter response and plots the output.


Running the tests

Nothing written till now.


If you would like to add a particular function or filter you can make a pr. NOT WRITTEN FULLY.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • Rajoo Pandey Sir for teaching so fabulously in the class.
  • Simon Haykin for writing a wonderful Book.
  • Dharmanshu Saini for giving wonderful thoughts on subject in Library.
  • Jasmeet Singh Sobti for scribling whatever was taught in class on paper.