About schooleventcreator

Schooleventcreator is help to create events for the school.


  • Requires PHP verison 7.1.3 or higher
  • Requires mysql
  • Optional Docker


  • Clone this repo to your local machine using https://github.com/jalpesh12/schooleventcreator or by clicking download button.


  • Start your mysql and run the script from the folder called databasescript from that run the schoolmaster.sql https://github.com/jalpesh12/schooleventcreator/tree/master/databasescript into your mysql.
  • Go to project root and run
php artisan serve --port=8080
  • run localhost:8080 in your browser.
  • You can now register or login I have test login if you want to use then you can use
email - sentra@sentral.com
password - 123456


While registration the address you enter will be the base address for that school. It is used to clacualte distance from school to venue. I actually could able to do sorting, filtering functionality. Even I haven't added payment details such as how much payment received. Lets have a call or meeting to explain how I did, what I did, what I understand, What I want to do but didn't completed n all such things.