This repository includes examples how to stream sensor data via FastAPI/WebSockets. A fake data generator can be used to create artificial IMU data. To stream real sensor data, this visualisation could be added to the flight data recorder implementation at . Alternatively, the fake data generator could be used as template for another implementation.
Visualisation examples with JS generated fake data can be found at .
The content of src/index.js is packed to dist/bird.js which will include all requirements from the three.js library. To build bird.js, you need npm (nodejs) installed. Then call
npx webpack
and install webpack on request.
There are several ways to run these examples.
If there is a running instance of on your Raspberry Pi, just copy the content of backend/static to the static folder on your Raspberry Pi.
docker compose up
If you don't want to use docker, you may use the Dockerfiles as guide how to start the fake data generator and the backend. Additionally, a running instance of Redis is required. You could use miniforge to create your environment by calling:
conda env create -f environment.yml
If you want to start the web interface on your local computer only, just call
uvicorn main:app --port 8080
from the backend folder.