If you want to test it on raspberry you can't do it with raspi's ip because of the license Term from geo.admin.ch You have to change your ip to a localhost-url You can do this with changing hosts-File in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc but be carefull, bacause this with a default change in this File your computer can be brocken.
- Add a line on this File with the IP-Adress from raspi and the new url (i.e. localhost.raspitest).
- In the cmd tipp "ipconfig /flushdns" to clear dns-cache
- Then clear browsercache
Now you can start the Webapp in your browser with the given url (i.e. localhost.raspitest) (if app is started in the raspi).
For MAC add localhost in /etc/hosts example: 192.168.xx.xx localhost.duenger