
Sample NodeJS app to demostrate how to protect against dns rebinding on docker.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sample NodeJS app to demostrate how to protect against dns rebinding on docker.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Build docker image

    sudo docker build . -t nodemasq
  • Run container without modifying dns

    sudo docker run -it --rm -p 1337:1337 samplednsmasq:latest
  • Make a query to a domain that resolves to a local address:

    curl http://localhost:1337/?host=itasahobby.com
    # Output
  • Stop the container and run it again this time specify the dns to be localhost:

    sudo docker run -it --rm -p 1337:1337 --dns samplednsmasq:latest
  • Make the same query again

    curl http://localhost:1337/?host=itasahobby.com
    # Output
    #Error: queryA ENODATA itasahobby.com

    Also in the logs we can see the following message: dnsmasq: possible DNS-rebind attack detected: itasahobby.com