
sample project for an interactive hypermedia shell

Primary LanguageJavaScript

hyper : Interactive Hypermedia Shell

Exploring an interactive REPL/shell for interacting with HTTP-based hypermedia services


The hyper utility is a simple command-line style shell/REPL for interacting with an online services/APIs. While a fully-functional HTTP client, hyper is especially good at dealing with hypermedia services including Collection+JSON, SIREN, and HAL. There are plans to add support for PRAG+JSON, MASH+JSON, and possibly UBER in the future.

Along with HTTP- and mediatype-aware commands, hyper also supports some convience functionality like SHELL commands, configuration file management, and a LIFO stack to handle local memory variabes.

Importantly, hyper is not just a shell/REPL, it is a hypermedia DSL. It encourages users to `think' in hypermedia. Rather than writing complex HTTP queries that look like this (an example that works fine in hyper):

ACTIVATE http://localhost:8181/task/
  WITH-BODY title=testing&tags=hyper&completeFlag=false 
  WITH-ENCODING application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  WITH-HEADERS {"if-none-match":"*"}

The hyper shell can also use mediatype-aware convience commands to locate, parse, fill, and execute inline hypermedia controls. This results in a much more readable hyper exeperience:


ACTIVATE http://locahost:8181/home/

In both cases, the same work is completed. In the first example, a human can read all the docs and examples and craft a successful HTTP PUT request. This works until the server changes a parameter (e.g. moves from PUT to POST).

In the second example, the hyper engine loads available data (it could have been from disk using STACK LOAD task-record.txt) and uses identified hypermedia controls (in this case the taskFormAdd control) to complete the request. This will continue to work even if HTTP details are changed (like changing PUT to POST)-- as long as the hypermedia form taskFormAdd is included in the response.


The idea for this shell comes from other REPL-style interactive CLIs like node and command-line tools like curl. You can start a stateful client session by typing hyper at the command line. Then you can make an HTTP request (ACTIVATE) and manipulate the responses. You can also write hyper commands in a file and pipe this file into hyper for a scripted experience: (hyper < scripts/sample.txt > scripts/sample.log).

Hyper is "mediatype-aware" -- that is, it recognizes well-known media types and offers convience methods for dealing with them. For example after loading a SIREN response, you can use the following commands:

# SIREN example
GOTO http://rwcbook10.herokuapp.com

GOTO WITH-REL taskFormListByUser WITH-QUERY {"assignedUser" : "alice"}

That last command 1) uses the href associated with the SIREN action element identified by the rel:taskFormListByUser, 2) supplies a querystring argument and 3) makes the HTTP request.

Another way to use hyper is to load the data stack with some name/value pairs and then use a named form within the response to execute an action. Like this:

# read list 
GOTO http://rwcbook10.herokuapp.com

# add data to the stack and execute the write operation
STACK PUSH {"title":"just\.\another\.\one","tags":"with-test","completeFlag":"false"}

# check the write results using the same stack data
SIREN PATH $..*[?(@property==='tags'&&@.match(/with-test/i))]^

Note that the client will use whatever URL, HTTP method, and body encoding the server indicates. Also, notice that the client will automatically match up any form fields on the stack to fill in the form. Even when the server changes details (new URL, different method, etc.), the client will be able to handle the write operation without changes.

You can also use JSONPath to query responses:

SIREN PATH $.entities.*[?(@property==='id'&&@.match(/rmqzgqfq3d/i))]^.[id,title,href,type]

You can also use hyper to program a modificaiton of existing records:

REQUEST WITH-URL http://rwcbook10.herokuapp.com WITH-ACCEPT application/vnd.siren+json
REQUEST WITH-PATH $.entities[0].href WITH-ACCEPT application/vnd.siren+json
STACK SET {"tags":"fishing,skiing,hiking"}
REQUEST WITH-FORM taskFormEdit WITH-STACK WITH-ACCEPT application/vnd.siren+json

In the above example, the hyper :

  • Calls the root resource of the serivce asking for a SIREN formatted response
  • Locates the first item in the collection, pulls its HREF value and calls that record
  • Pushes the item properties of the record onto the local stack
  • Updates the tags value on the stack to reflect the change
  • Uses the taskFormEdit form, fills it with values from the stack and makes the request
  • Once all is done, the script exits

Similar options exist for HAL, CollectionJSON, JSON+FORMS, and other formats. These various format types are defined using external plug-ins that can be created and just dropped into the /plugins/ folder to be loaded at runtime.


See the scripts folder for lots of working examples.


Some notes on future enhancements

Feature tracking

This is a work in progress and totally unstable/unreliable. Here the current workplan and status for this project:

  • : Initial CLI loop
  • : support for piped scripts (in and out)
  • : support for # - comment lines
  • : support for VERSION - returns version info
  • : support for EXIT|STOP - halt and exit with 0
  • : support for EXIT-ERR - halt and exit with 1
  • : support for CLEAR - clears the console
  • : support for SHELL simple SHELL (bash/dos) support
  • : support for .. LS|DIR [folder/path]
  • : support for PLUGINS returns list of loaded external plug-ins
  • : support for CONFIG (READ) returns NVP of saved config data
  • : support for .. FILE|LOAD [filename] loads config file (defaults to "hyper.config")
  • : support for .. SAVE|WRITE [filename] loads config file (defaults to "hyper.config")
  • : support for .. SET <{n:v,...}> shared config file write
  • : support for .. CLEAR removes all settings
  • : support for .. RESET resets to default settings
  • : support for .. REMOVE removes the named item
  • : support for STACK JSON object LIFO stack
  • : support for .. CLEAR|FLUSH clears all the items from the stack
  • : support for .. PEEK displays the JSON object at the stop of the stack
  • : support for .. PUSH <{n:v,...}> adds a new JSON object to the stack
  • : support for .. PUSH WITH-REPONSE adds a new item on the stack from the top of the response stack
  • : support for .. PUSH WITH-PATH <path-string|$#> adds a new item on the stack which is the result of the JSONPATH
  • : support for .. EXPAND-ARRAY expands the array on the top of the stack into n-items on the stack.
  • : support for .. POP removes the top item from the stack
  • : support for .. LEN|LENGTH returns depth of the stack
  • : support for .. SET <{"n":"v",...}> update the JSON object on the top of the stack
  • : support for .. LOAD|FILE [filename] reads a single JSON object from disk onto the stack (defaults to hyper.stack)
  • : support for .. SAVE|WRITE [filename] writes the top item on the stack to disk (defaults to hyper.stack)
  • : support for .. DUMP [filename] writes the full stack to disk (defaults to hyper.dump)
  • : support for .. FILL [filename] replaces the current stack with contents in disk file (defaults to hyper.dump)
  • : support for OAUTH OAuth 2.0 support
  • : support for .. LOAD [filename] loads OAuth config file (defaults to "oauth.env")
  • : support for .. SAVE [filename] loads OAuth config file (defaults to "oauth.env")
  • : support for .. DEFINE <{n:v,...}> Creates an entry in the OAuth configuration
  • : support for .. UPDATE <{n:v,...}> Modifies settings in an existing OAuth configuration
  • : support for .. GENERATE|GEN Generates an access token using the configuration data
  • : support for .. REMOVE removes the named item
  • : support for ACTIVATE|CALL|GOTO|GO - makes an HTTP request
  • : support for .. WITH-URL <url|$#> - uses URL to make the request
  • : support for .. WITH-REL <string|$#> - uses HREF value on the associated in-doc element
  • : support for .. WITH-ID <string|$#> - uses HREF value on the associated in-doc element
  • : support for .. WITH-NAME <string|$#> - uses HREF value on the associated in-doc element
  • : support for .. WITH-PATH <json-path-string|$#> - uses value from JSONPath result as the URL
  • : support for .. WITH-ACCEPT string|$#> - sets the accept header directly
  • : support for .. WITH-HEADERS <{n:v,...}|$#> - request headers
  • : support for .. WITH-OAUTH <string|$#> - Sets the authorization header using the named OAUTH token
  • : support for .. WITH-QUERY <{n:v,...}|$#> - query string args as JSON nvps
  • : support for .. WITH-BODY <name=value&...|$#> - for POST/PUT/PATCH (defaults to app/form-urlencoded)
  • : support for .. WITH-METHOD <string}|$#> - to set HTTP method (defaults to GET)
  • : support for .. WITH-ENCODING <media-type|$#> - to set custom encoding for POST/PUT/PATCH
  • : support for .. WITH-FORMAT - sets accept header w/ config value
  • : support for .. WITH-PROFILE - sets link profile header w/ config value
  • : support for .. WITH-FORM <name}|$#> - uses the metadata of the named form (URL, METHOD, ENCODING, FIELDS) to construct an HTTP request (SIREN-ONLY)
  • : support for .. WITH-STACK - uses the top level STACK item as a set of vars for other operations (e.g. to fill in forms, supply querystring values, headers, etc.
  • : support for .. WITH-DATA <name=value&...|$#> - for use fill in forms with ad-hoc data
  • : support for DISPLAY (PEEK) - show saved reponse (from top of the LIFO stack)
  • : support for .. URL - returns actual URL of the response
  • : support for .. STATUS - returns HTTP status of the response
  • : support for .. CONTENT-TYPE - returns HTTP content-type of the response
  • : support for .. HEADERS - returns the complete HTTP header collection of the response
  • : support for .. POP remove response from top of the stack
  • : support for .. LENGTH - returns length of saved stack
  • : support for .. PATH <JSONPath|$#> returns results of a JSONPath query from top-of-stack response
  • : support for CJ returns a strong-typed version of response from top of the stack (vnd.collection+json)
  • : support for .. METADATA returns metadata array from a collection+JSON response
  • : support for .. LINKS returns links array from a collection+JSON response
  • : support for .. ITEMS returns items array from a collection+JSON response
  • : support for .. QUERIES returns queries array from a collection+JSON response
  • : support for .. TEMPLATE returns template collection from a collection+JSON response
  • : support for .. ERROR|ERRORS returns error object from a collection+JSON response
  • : support for .. RELATED returns the related object from a collection+JSON response
  • : support for .. ID|NAME|REL|TAG <string|$#> returns a single node
  • : support for .. IDS|RELS|NAMES|TAGS returns a simple list
  • : support for .. PATH <JSONPath|$#> returns results of a JSONPath query from a collection+JSON response
  • : support for HAL returns a strong-typed version of response from top of the stack (vnd.hal+json)
  • : support for .. LINKS returns links array from a HAL response
  • : support for .. EMBEDDED returns items array from a HAL response
  • : support for .. ID|REL|KEY|NAME|TAG <string|$#> returns a single node
  • : support for .. IDS|RELS|KEYSTAGS returns a simple list
  • : support for .. PATH <JSONPath|$#> returns results of a JSONPath query from a HAL response
  • : support for SIREN returns a strong-typed version of response from top of the stack (vnd.siren+json)
  • : support for .. LINKS returns links array from a SIREN response
  • : support for .. ACTIONS|FORMS returns actions array from a SIREN response
  • : support for .. ENTITIES returns entities array from a SIREN response
  • : support for .. PROPERTIES returns properties array from a SIREN response
  • : support for .. TAG|CLASS <string|$#> returns nodes associated with the CLASS value
  • : support for .. ID|ENTITY <string|$#> returns an entity associated with the ID
  • : support for .. REL|LINK <string|$#> returns a link associated with the REL
  • : support for .. NAME|FORM|ACTION <string|$#> returns an action associated with the NAME
  • : support for .. IDS|RELS|NAMES|FORMS|TAGS|CLASSES returns a simple list
  • : support for .. PATH <JSONPath|$#> returns results of a JSONPath query from a SIREN response
  • : support for WSTL returns a strong-typed version of response from top of the stack (vnd.wstl+json)
  • : support for .. TITLE returns title string from a WSTL response
  • : support for .. ACTIONS returns actions array from a WSTL response
  • : support for .. DATA returns entities array from a WSTL response
  • : support for .. RELATED returns related object from a WSTL response
  • : support for .. CONTENT returns content object from a WSTL response
  • : support for .. ID|REL|NAME|FORM|TAG|TARGET <string|$#> returns a single node
  • : support for .. IDS|RELS|NAMES|FORMS|TAGS|TARGETS returns a simple list
  • : support for .. PATH <JSONPath|$#> returns results of a JSONPath query from a WSTL response
  • : support for FJ returns a strong-typed version of JSON+FORMS response from top of the stack (forms+json)
  • : support for .. METADATA returns metadata array from a response
  • : support for .. LINKS returns links array from a response
  • : support for .. ITEMS returns items array from a response
  • : support for .. ID <string|$#> returns an element (metadata, link, item) associated with the ID
  • : support for .. TAG <string|$#> returns matching nodes
  • : support for .. REL <string|$#> returns a link associated with the REL
  • : support for .. NAME <string|$#> returns an element (metadata, link, property) associated with the NAME
  • : support for .. IDS|NAMES|RELS|FORMS|TAGS returns a simple list
  • : support for .. PATH <JSONPath|$#> returns results of a JSONPath query from a response
  • : support for MASH returns a strong-typed version of response from top of the stack (vnd.mash+json)
  • : support for .. METADATA returns metadata array from a response
  • : support for .. LINKS returns links array from a response
  • : support for .. ITEMS returns items array from a response
  • : support for .. TAG <string|$#> returns matching nodes
  • : support for .. ID <string|$#> returns an element (metadata, link, item) associated with the ID
  • : support for .. REL <string|$#> returns a link associated with the REL
  • : support for .. NAME <string|$#> returns an element (metadata, link, property) associated with the NAME
  • : support for .. IDS|NAMES|RELS|FORMS|TAGS returns a simple list
  • : support for .. PATH <JSONPath|$#> returns results of a JSONPath query from a SIREN response
  • : support for PRAG returns a strong-typed version of response from top of the stack (vnd.prag+json)
  • : support for .. METADATA returns metadata array from a PRAG response
  • : support for .. LINKS returns links array from a PRAG response
  • : support for .. ITEMS returns items array from a PRAG response
  • : support for .. ID <string|$#> returns an element (metadata, link, item) associated with the ID
  • : support for .. TAG <string|$#> returns matching nodes
  • : support for .. REL <string|$#> returns a link associated with the REL
  • : support for .. NAME <string|$#> returns an element (metadata, link, property) associated with the NAME
  • : support for .. IDS|NAMES|RELS|FORMS|TAGS returns a simple list
  • : support for .. PATH <JSONPath|$#> returns results of a JSONPath query from a SIREN response

TODO Items

Here's a list of things I think need to be done before #HyperLang (as I like to call it) is "complete":

  • : improved support for VERBOSE setting, possibly levels. See noting (0), see status (1), see errors (2)
  • : support for URITemplates - required for HAL (and other formats?)
  • : support for HAL-FORMS - could greatly enhance HAL support
  • : support for IF-ERROR - error checking (4xx, 5xx)
  • : support for JUMP {label} - jump to defined label in the script (might be forward-only jumping)
  • : Loops : Do we really want to implement loops? If yes, then it MUST be a single line element. Like list comprehensions in Python. For example WHILE STACK NOT EMPTY ACTIVATE WITH-FORM taskAddForm WITH-STACK POP.
  • : Branching : Would like to avoid branching but might consider JUMP EXIT or JUMP :label|line (much harder)


These modules are used in the hyper app.

Plug-ins Support

You an author your own hyper plug-in and place it in the /plugins/ folder of the project. It will be automatically loaded at runtime. See Plug-In Authoring for details.

Source Code

You'll find the source code for this utility in the src folder.

WARNING: This is all proof-of-concept code and it's pretty messy. I spend time exploring new features much more than I do properly grooming the source code. If you're offended by this kind of behavior, don't look behind the curtain on this one -- I'll only disappoint you[grin]. -- @mamund