
##An implementation of the SmoothLife algorithm in Julia

The project is super rough at this point, since I'm not even sure which Julia graphics library to use,(or even which actually works) but I am reasonably positive that the algorithm works as described in the paper.

###How is that, exactly?

Glad you asked. This algorithm generalizes Conway's Game of Life to a continuous domain by replacing the rules with continuous analogues. In the discrete GoL the state of a cell for the next timestamp can be determined by the current live-state of the cell (0 or 1) and the number of living neighbors, which could be between 0 or 8. Hence, the state could be described with a 2x9 matrix containing all possible combinations. Instead of such a transition matrix, we have a transition function s(m,n) which determines possible states. I can't say much more without block-quoting the paper, and it really is quite short and worth reading.