
Revolut Digital Banking

Primary LanguageJava


Revolut Banking System (RBS)

Scope: (MVP)

  1. RBS should allow a Person to create a User with RBS.
  2. RBS MUST allow a user to create one or multiple accounts.
  3. RBS MUST allow a user (registered) with an Account to do money transactions within RBS. That means transfer money between one RBS account to another RBS account.
  4. RBS MUST as banking system to receive money from other Banks or Banking Like systems.
  5. RBS MUST allow Account holder to view information related to the account and the user.
  6. RBS MUST allow creation of admin user.
  7. Admin users can block other users of the RBS based on some criteria and behaviour.

Non-Functional Requirement

  1. RBS as system will be framework agnostic.
  2. RBS MUST have high throughput and low latency.
  3. RBS MUST always be available.

Few technical deductions:

  1. The problem is not as simple of reading and writing data to an account (data element).
  2. The system cannot provide high throughput without multiple threads.
  3. Multiple threads will bring additional problems into the system (thread compete with each other for execution). (side node: threads on multicore will cost more, as they will do context switching on operating system (CPU level) , 20% of time is waisted only in doing context switching).
  4. Synchronization on threads will block other threads.

System Goals: Design Approach:

  1. We can deduct from the scope that there will be two type of request, one which reads data and another mutates data. And for our use case read (view balance) and mutation (credit or debit money to/from account) are connected. As read compete with writes based on how we have scoped our requirements. We need to pick an approach, options are: The system is highly consistent or highly available.
  2. We will go by High Availability, all request (ex: view account balance or credit/debit) will receive a response and no read or write fails.
  3. We will make our account Eventually consistent with the operations performed on it.
  4. Eventual consistent account means, all mutation operations are done based on TIME when the operation was requested/done by an external system or RBS user.

Technical Details:


  1. None.

Server (Tomcat/Jetty ??)

  1. None - Have build my own Minimum Web Container.


  1. Jackson - For String to POJO and POJO to String.
  2. Reflections - for API Delegation.
  3. In-build Java Maps for Model.
  4. In-build Java Multi-threading for handling multiple request.

Build Tools

  1. Maven - For building the project.

High Level Design

Data Model

Data Model

Running the junit cases: mvn clean test

Starting the server mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.revolut.server.RevolutBankingSystem"

The server will start at 8080.

Steps to execute Parallel integration Test cases: (Mimicking Production Like behaviour)

  1. Start the server: mvn compile.
  2. Create accounts: ./addAccount.sh
  3. Use the created account (there id's) to credit funds to them: ./credit.sh
  4. Use the same or different account ids to debit funds: ./debit.sh
  5. Transfer funds from one account to another: ./transfer.sh
  6. View balance for individual accounts: ./viewAccount.sh

For all what is happening you can check logs for all the scripts executed and also server logs.

You can checkout the video for more details: Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beiVZvVVn-s&feature=youtu.be

NOTE: To user/reviewer, the api exposed are as system, you can do any activity before after another, and the system continues to stay available and eventual consistent (accounts). If it is not clear, please look the API section of code for more API details.

(This will run all test cases and parallel test cases for 10 min - you can increase the time by changes the sleep time in test case (BankingServiceTest))

Sequence Diagrams



View Balance: viewBalance

Credit Funds Credit

Debit Funds debit

Transfer Funds transfer

Transaction Status transactionStatus

Block Account blockAccount

Activate Account activateAccount

API Delegate/Executor


Queuing System

Queuing System

Test Credit


Test Debit


Test Credit Parallel


Test Debit Parallel


Test Transfer Parallel


Test Transfer


View Balance Parallel


Improvement on Design:

The current design solves the problem and is scalable in the scope of the problem.

  1. Is the system 100% scalable for multi multi million request: NO.
  2. There is a single thread to execute from the queue. Which makes the system dependent on a single thread to execute all transactions.
  3. The improvement we can do is TO have multiple threads which reads from queue and execute (lets say 50 threads).
  4. But this bring complexity, the complexity here is we need to execute transactions in time, example: request are coming in the below fashion.


CA1 = Credit funds to account 1. DA1 = Debit funds from account 1. T1 = Transfer between two accounts


If two thread executes two different types of transactions for the same account, we should not allow meaning Credit came first and debit later for account1. It should happen in the same (sequence) time manner.

How do we solve this problem:

  1. We need two queues, Primary Queue and Priority Queue (this is not java PriorityQueue).
  2. We should have a process lock module which takes lock on account when it executes a request and not allow other threads to execute any other request (specially debit or transfer from account1) on the same account.
  3. If a thread picks such request it should add it into priority queue.
  4. always priority queue transactions should get picked for execution first and then other transactions from primary queue should get picked executed.
  5. We can improve this solution more and say sequential credits requests can execute in parallel and have a different kind of process lock which says i. ProcessLock.CREDIT(5) = ProcessLock for credit on any account with 5 parallel request. ii. ProcessLock.DEBIT(1) = ProcessLock for debit on any account with 1 thread execution. iii. ProcessLock.Transfer(1) = ProcessLock for transfer on any account with 1 thread execution.

Please find the design (IF NOT CLEAR WE CAN DISCUSS THIS..)

Desing Improvements Design Improvemtns