
This is a sample todo App written by React js and php , Mysql

Primary LanguageCSS

Todo List React js and PHP


A single-page web application, built using the React framework , php And Mysql

Create and edit a task You can also delete it and you can change its order within its existing list You can make them as completed or incomplete This application was developed based on React js and PHP , Mysql

Check the online demo here

home page

Installing / Getting started

To install this project you need to clone or download it.

git clone https://github.com/jamalhassouni/todoApp.git
cd todoApp
  1. Install the dependencies - npm install

  2. Start the app - npm start

  3. you need also to run this Todo list api from here Todo List API.

  4. go to src/utils/TodosApi.js And change http://api.todo.com/ with the link on which the server was installed


  • ReactJs
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • leaflet API