
Booking Shopify Framework contanis ui components and services for embedded and external booking shopify application

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Booking Shopify Framework

This framework covers all MongoDB models, services, and types and frontend UI, it contains two different scopes; because Booking Shopify External App and Booking Shopify Embed App share many services and components, we don't want to duplicate the same code.

= backend, services, models, types, routes etc.

Bit.dev - Backend Documentation

= frontend, components, state, providers, hooks, helpers.

Bit.dev - Frontend Documentation

= bit-dev, Booking Shopify Development (envs for bit.dev)

These files in this folder is for bit.dev environment to run React 18, and build to ESM modules.

Bit.dev Development Documentation

= pkg, Package to download all backend services, or frontend components

Bit.dev Packages