
Writing simple react-redux-typescript example

Primary LanguageTypeScript

React Redux Typescript

Play ground for Typescript with React & Redux


Inside Store folder we have all the reducers that are configured for Redux.

export interface IApplicationState {
    chat: Chat.Types.IMessages, //Store/Chat
    users: Users.Types.IUsers, //Store/Users
    router: RouterState 

export const reducers: Redux.Reducer<IApplicationState> = Redux.combineReducers<IApplicationState>({
    chat: Chat.Reducer,
    users: Users.Reducer,
    router: routerReducer

So each one of them have one folder.

  1. Store/Chat
  2. Store/Users
  3. etc

Inside each folder we have 4 files, or more depending on how big-fat the reducers become.

  1. actions.ts
  2. index.ts
  3. reducers.ts
  4. types.ts

If we have many actions or reducers we can split them up in folders.

  1. Actions/index.ts
  2. Actions/LoadUsers.ts
  3. Actions/UpdateName.ts
  4. etc.

Read more: https://github.com/jamalsoueidan/react-redux-typescript/tree/master/src/Store


Component is very simple, they only accept props and actions!

Each folder have one component, and each component can have nested components if needed.

  1. Components/Chat
  2. Components/User
  3. Components/UsersList`

All components should be exported in Components/index

export { default as ComponentChat } from './Chat'
export { default as ComponentUser } from './User'
export { default as ComponentUsersList } from './UsersList'

This allow them to imported like this anywhere.

import { ComponentChat, ComponentUser, ComponentUsersList } from 'Components'

We are using [Component][Name], this way we always knows this is Component we are working with.


Pages act as containers, and each url route correspond to one page.

Pages are the only containers that connect to redux!

<Route path='/' component={PageApplication} />

Read more: https://github.com/jamalsoueidan/react-redux-typescript/tree/master/src/Pages




