
Additional material about flamenco analisys using NLP Topic Modelling


Additional material about flamenco analisys using NLP Topic Modelling

Scores files:

  • file: puntuaciones2.desg.csv

Best model:

  • file: resultTopics__dict_tfidf_s-3_d2-1.0__lda_nt3_np1(000).txt
  • Dictionary union of 1-grams, 2-grams, 3-grams
  • Filter of words with only 1 count
  • Bag of words: TF-IDF
  • 3 topics

Best NMF model (keeping size words of best dictionary):

  • file: resultTopics__dict_freq_s-3_d1-0.5__nmf_nt3_np1(001).txt
  • Filter of words with only 1 count
  • Bag of words: frequency count
  • 3 topics

Best LSI model (keeping size words of best dictionary):

  • file: resultTopics__dict_tfidf_s-3_d4-0.5__lsi_nt3_np1(002).txt
  • Filter of words with count below 4 and above 50% of corpus
  • Bag of words: TF-IDF
  • 3 topics

Best LDA model with 10 topics:

  • file: resultTopics__dict_freq_s-3_d2-1.0__lda_nt10_np1(001).txt
  • Same dictionary best model
  • Filter of words with count below 2
  • Bag of words: Frequency count
  • 10 topics