
CSCG 2020 Maze challenge UDP proxy

Primary LanguagePython


This is the UDP proxy I wrote to solve some of the challenges for the CSCG 2020 Maze game hacking challenge. My writeup can be found here.

The code is pretty messy and some things you may find useful are commented out, such as print statements that describe incoming packet information, or the radar challenge solution that records where the "White Rabbit" is.

The game proxy is implemented in proxy.py and parser.py. The code for plotting the White Rabbit radar info on a graph is in plot-wrt.py, you can test it by running ./plot-wrt.py wr.txt.

The recording I made of moving the rabbit from the start of the race to the end is test1.json. You can replay it to beat the timed race challenge by running to the start of the race and running:

$ loadrec test1.json
$ playrec speed 500

Play around with the speed value to get a faster time. If it's not working you won't see the "Race checkpoint: " messages.


First you will need to redirect the game to your proxy server. In my case I set the host entry for maze.liveoverflow.com on my Windows host to the IP address of the server I was running the proxy on (an Ubuntu VM). The Windows hosts file is found at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts. I added this line: maze.liveoverflow.com

Then you'll need to set up an HTTP proxy to forward the HTTP API traffic. I used Burp Suite to achieve this. I redirected port 8080 to 80 on my Ubuntu VM (so that I wouldn't need to run Burp as root) using the 80-to-8080.sh script. Then I set up an invisible proxy bound to in Burp, and created a match and replace rule to always replace 1357 with 1337 in response bodies. This makes the game think that the only port available to connect to is 1337, which makes it easier to set up the UDP proxy.

The UDP game proxy is written for Python 2. Install dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt and then run it with python2 proxy.py. When you start the game and try to log in you should see Found game server maze.liveoverflow.com:1337-1337 at the bottom of the menu screen, and then when you click "Login" you should start to see the packet hex dumps appear in the proxy console. Type v and hit enter to toggle the verbosity and disable the packet dump view.

Example commands

Here are some of the commands you can use; see the source code for the rest.

v - verbosity

Enter v in the prompt to enable/disable the packet dumps and other verbose prints.


  • startrec: start recording position sent to server
  • stoprec: stop recording position
  • saverec <filename>: save recorded coordinates to a JSON file
  • loadrec <filename>: load recorded coordinates from JSON file
  • playrec [rev] [rate_limit]: replay recording (optionally in reverse), with given time between packets
  • playrec [rev] speed <units_per_second>: replay recording (optionally in reverse), using the timestamp hack to scale up speed without getting kicked


  • emoji <int_id>: Send emoji with given numeric ID (e.g. 16 = poop emoji)


  • T <x> <y> <z>: Send server to client teleport command. You should run bp first to block the real server teleport packets so you don't just get rubber banded back to your original position. Type bp again to toggle position blocking off and return to the real position the server thinks you're at.