Table of Contents


The purpose of this project, is to approach a technical challenge given, whereby the application needs too use a set of instructions given too a rover, in order too navigate a cartesian plane and return it's current position.

The project consists of a commands directory whereby a file can be copied into and then program can be executed in order too process the command set, naming covention must in the format command.txt, example of text file is given within the commands directory.

Getting Started

Make sure you git clone this repository into a separate space on your machine.

  1. Run Install inside of project directory

    npm install

  2. Run test cases too make sure all test cases pass, as this project makes use of mocha and chai as a testing library for the code

    npm run test

  3. Upload/Copy file too commands directory and proceed to run project.

    npm run start

  4. Design decision taken

    • Function Class over es6 class , as this was part of the technical question posed.
    • TDD approach taken, too make sure that code output is predicable.
    • Separation of concerns for each individual , processing unit, such as reading a file, parsing raw input, and the Rover Class
    • Use of async await too return new promise of file read, instead of callback methods.
    • Within the Rover function -- use of ternary operators, instead of if/else -- jsdoc for method descriptions parameters and return values -- assignment of function too objects --

Contributing to the Project

Feel free fork or cut a branch off this project , too add your changes