
share selected text on twitter, buffer, and some others. Inspired by medium.com

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


share selected text on twitter, buffer, and some others. Inspired by medium.com

share selected text - ShareSelectedText.js

I made this small javascript library for my personal blog, the existing libraries doesn't fit my needs, so I created that one.

ShareSelectedText.js currently support the following social medias & services:

  • twitter
  • buffer
  • reddit
  • stumbleupon
  • tumblr
  • digg
  • linkedin
  • facebook

You can open an issue or follow the contribution guidelines if you want to add another service or social media

Getting started

Add the CSS file (you have to put the dist/fonts directory and the shareSelectedText.min.css file in the same directory)

<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/shareSelectedText.min.css"/>

Add the Javascript file before body HTML closing tag.

<script src="dist/shareSelectedText.js"></script>

Then, you can init the plugin :

// plugin initialization with default options
shareSelectedText('.my-super-selector', {
    tooltipClass: '',    // cool, if you want to customize the tooltip
    sanitize: true,      // will sanitize the user selection to respect the Twitter Max length (recommended) 
    buttons: [           // services that you want to enable you can add : 
        'twitter',       // - twitter, tumblr, buffer, stumbleupon, digg, reddit, linkedin, facebook
    anchorsClass: '',    // class given to each tooltip's links
    twitterUsername: '', // for twitter widget, will add 'via @twitterUsername' at the end of the tweet.
    facebookAppID: '', // Can also be an HTML element inside the <head> tag of your page : <meta property="fb:APP_ID" content="YOUR_APP_ID"/>
    facebookDisplayMode: 'popup', //can be 'popup' || 'page'
    tooltipTimeout: 250  //Timeout before that the tooltip appear in ms

Other Builds

Contribution Guidelines

To contribute please consider to respect the following rules:

  • Work in a different branch, well named, based on current develop branch (I personally use git-flow).
  • respect the .erLintrc rules.
  • If you add a new social media or service:
    • add the service or social media SVG icon in dev/icons
    • compile the font using fontcustom install fontcustom the run fontcustom compile in the icons directory, the run gulp build:copy:fonts in project root directory.
    • Don't forget to add service's name and url.
  • small changes are better than huge changes.

And don't forget that you are awesome!


  • v1.1.1

    • Make tooltip not clickable when not active (@DustinArmstrong)
  • v1.1.0

  • v1.0.0

    • initial release
  • v1.0.1

    • avoid font icons name conflicts by adding sst- prefix