
A Juju Charm for deploying the Jaeger Collector

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This charm is designed to maintain the Collector for Jaeger Tracing collection. It is the bridge between the jaeger-agent subordinate charm that should run on every machine and the storage backend (cassandra or elasticsearch) that contains all of the actual saved data. There should also be a Jaeger-UI charm used to visualize what is going on with all of your traces.

??? This charm provides service. Add a description here of what the service itself actually does.

Also remember to check the icon guidelines so that your charm looks good in the Juju GUI.


Step by step instructions on using the charm:

Deploy Jaeger Collector along with a storage backend.

juju deploy cassandra -n3 juju deploy jaeger-collector juju add-relation jaeger-collector cassandra

Deploy the agent, to allow gathering information about the applications you care about. juju deploy jaeger-agent juju add-relation jaeger-agent jaeger-collector

Deploy the actual application, and make sure the agent is running on that machine. juju deploy myspecialapp juju add-relation jaeger-agent myspecialapp

Deploy the UI to allow inspecting the traces juju deploy jaeger-ui juju add-relation jaeger-ui ??? juju expose jaeger-ui

You can then browse to http://ip-address to configure the service.

Scale out Usage

Jaeger documentation claims that you can run however many collectors you want.

Known Limitations and Issues

Unknown what the limitations are, other than not everything has been written yet.


Contact Information

Though this will be listed in the charm store itself don't assume a user will know that, so include that information here:

Upstream Project Name