
A Drizzle extension/plugin to help work with PostGIS and GeoJSON

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

🌐 drizzle-postgis

A Drizzle extension/plugin to help work with PostGIS and GeoJSON

Bug report · Feature request · Read Docs

🚸 Disclaimer

I'm a GIS beginner, please let me know if you see anything problematic in the way this library is implemented. The library is also missing support for very many functions, and test coverage exists but is not complete.

🎉 Installation

pnpm add drizzle-postgis

NOTE Unfortunately drizzle-kit has a bug that causes custom types to be quoted. In order to use this with migrations, you need to apply a patch. This is the only solution until this issue is fixed! https://github.com/drizzle-team/drizzle-kit-mirror/issues/350

Patching drizzle-kit

Due to a known issue with drizzle-kit, you may need to apply a patch to ensure compatibility with drizzle-postgis. Follow the steps below to patch the dependency:

Step 1: Obtain the Patch File

The patch file is located in repository under the patches directory: patches/drizzle-kit@0.20.17.patch

You can copy the patch file content directly from the repository to you're local patches directory.

Step 2: Apply the Patch

If you're using pnpm, you can apply the patch by adding the following lines to your package.json file under the pnpm section:

  "pnpm": {
    "patchedDependencies": {
      "drizzle-kit@0.20.17": "patches/drizzle-kit@0.20.17.patch"

This configuration tells pnpm to apply the specified patch to the drizzle-kit@0.20.14 dependency. Note that patches/drizzle-kit@0.20.17.patch is the path to the patch file

After updating your package.json, run pnpm install to install the patched dependency.

Alternative: Manual Patching (not recommended)

If you prefer not to modify your package.json, you can manually apply the patch using the patch command:

  1. Save the patch file content to a local file, e.g., drizzle-kit.patch.
  2. Navigate to the directory where drizzle-kit is installed (usually node_modules/drizzle-kit).
  3. Run the following command: patch -p1 < /path/to/drizzle-kit.patch

This will apply the patch to the drizzle-kit dependency.


If you're having trouble with Postgres complaining that the functions can't be found, try using config.setPostGISSchema("<schema>")

There's more information about how to use these functions here: https://postgis.net/docs/reference.html

📚 Auto generate docs

The project is configured to auto-generate the documentation using typedoc. The documentation is generated in the docs folder.

The documentation will get generated when the code is pushed to the main branch. You can also generate the documentation locally by running the command pnpm run build:docs.

🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 Contributing

Please make sure to follow the conventional commit messages format while making changes. This helps in generating changelogs and versioning the package.

🙏 Thanks to