
Create a graph of imports with Graphviz.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Create import graphs with Graphviz.



The easiest way to use it is npx:

npx @jamen/import-graph src/**.js | dot -T svg > imports.svg

The command takes file paths and outputs DOT.

The folloing options may be supplied:

  • -i, --ignore <pattern>: Omit files that match the pattern. Defaults to defaults to node_modules and .git.
  • -f, --from <directory>: Change where paths in labels are relative from. Defaults to cwd.
  • -o, --output <file>: Outputs to a file instead of stdout.

What languages are supported?

This tool uses regex patterns to build the graph, making it easy to support many languages with different import syntax, without parsing every language.

The files it supports by default are:

  • JavaScript ESM & Commonjs
  • TypeScript
  • package.json (i.e. main and bin fields)
  • CSS
  • Less.js
  • Stylus