
My solutions to the TypeScript Track Exercises on Exercism

Primary LanguageTypeScript

TypeScript Track on Exercism



This repository contains my solutions to the exercises from the Exercism TypeScript track. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, and it's taking the web development to the next level. It's a statically typed language that compiles to plain JavaScript. It's a great tool for building large applications.


Here's the complete list of exercises from the TypeScript track:

# Exercise Status Solution
1 Hello World TS
2 Two Fer TS
3 Resistor Color TS
4 Resistor Color Duo TS
5 Resistor Color Trio TS
6 Leap TS
7 RNA Transcription TS
8 Space Age TS
9 DnD Character TS
10 Darts TS
11 Pangram TS
12 Bob TS
13 Matrix TS
14 Robot Name TS
15 Grade School TS
16 Clock TS
17 Secret Handshake TS
18 Binary Search TS
19 Linked List TS
20 Rational Numbers TS
21 Atbash Cipher TS
22 Simple Cipher TS
23 Wordy TS
24 List Ops 🔵 TS
25 Word Count TS
26 Difference Of Squares TS
27 Gigasecond TS
28 Reverse String TS
29 Triangle TS
30 Collatz Conjecture TS
31 Etl TS
32 Protein Translation TS
33 Raindrops TS
34 Hamming TS
35 Nucleotide Count TS
36 Scrabble Score TS
37 Allergies TS
38 Perfect Numbers TS
39 Complex Numbers TS
40 Luhn TS
41 Grains TS
42 Pythagorean Triplet TS
43 Sum Of Multiples TS
44 Acronym TS
45 Anagram TS
46 Isogram TS
47 Roman Numerals TS
48 Series TS
49 Phone Number TS
50 Two Bucket TS
51 Variable Length Quantity 🔵 TS
52 Largest Series Product TS
53 Food Chain TS
54 House TS
55 ISBN Verifier TS
56 Pig Latin TS
57 Proverb TS
58 Twelve Days TS
59 Beer Song TS
60 Say 🔵 TS
61 Rectangles 🔵 TS
62 Saddle Points TS
63 Spiral Matrix TS
64 Transpose 🔵 TS
65 OCR Numbers TS
66 Nth Prime TS
67 Alphametics 🔵 TS
68 Connect 🔵 TS
69 Bowling TS
70 Prime Factors TS
71 Diamond TS
72 Pascals Triangle TS
73 Binary Search Tree TS
74 Sublist TS
75 Custom Set TS
76 Circular Buffer 🔵 TS
77 Word Search TS
78 Sieve TS
79 Palindrome Products 🔵 TS
80 Diffie Hellman TS
81 Robot Simulator TS
82 Armstrong Numbers TS
83 Run Length Encoding TS
84 Rotational Cipher TS
85 Strain TS
86 All Your Base TS
87 Flatten Array TS
88 Matching Brackets TS
89 Tournament TS
90 Minesweeper TS
91 Kindergarten Garden TS
92 Queen Attack TS
93 React 🔵 TS
94 Crypto Square TS
95 Knapsack TS
96 Bank Account TS
97 Eliud's Eggs TS

🔵 - In Progress ✅ - Completed

Why TypeScript?

I'm learning TypeScript because it's a superset of JavaScript, and I'm learning JavaScript because it's the language of the web. I'm currently taking part in a Full Stack JavaScript bootcamp, and I'm using TypeScript to improve my Web Development skills.

More Resources

My Exercism Profile
