Apollo 14

This Rails application is intended to be used as an opportunity for students to measure their own learning from week 2 of module 2 of the back-end program of the Turing School of Software & Design.

Fork this repository and clone your newly created repository. At the end of one hour, push your code to your repository and create a pull request to this repository.

Be sure to read all user stories BEFORE beginning your work


  • Perform the usual setup steps after cloning a Rails application (bundle, rake db:{drop,create,migrate,seed} etc)


  • TDD all new work; you may postpone model tests for attribute validations ONLY; any model METHODS you write must be fully tested.

Not Required

  • No form input is required or expected
  • No visual styling is required or expected

Before Starting User Stories

  • This challenge uses a many-to-many table (your migrations are already built!), be sure to check your setup carefully.
  • You will have 4 failing model tests. (Let your instructor know if you are not seeing 4 failing tests)
  • Get these 4 tests to pass before moving on to the user stories.

User Stories

User Story 1 of 4

As a visitor,
When I visit '/astronauts'
I see a list of astronauts with the following info:
- Name
- Age
- Job

(e.g. "Name: Neil Armstrong, Age: 37, Job: Commander")
User Story 2 of 4

As a visitor,
When I visit '/astronauts'
I see the average age of all astronauts.

(e.g. "Average Age: 34")
User Story 3 of 4

As a visitor,
When I visit '/astronauts'
I see a list of the space missions' in alphabetical order for each astronaut.

(e.g "Apollo 13"
     "Capricorn 4"
     "Gemini 7")
User Story 4 of 4

As a visitor,
When I visit '/astronauts'
I see the total time in space for each astronaut.
(e.g. "Name: Neil Armstrong, Age: 37, Job: Commander, Total Time in Space: 760 days")