
Website to post books for sale. Still a work in progress.

Primary LanguagePHP

This project is a proof of concept for an e-commerce platform intended for listing books for sale. Sellers post a listing of books they intend to sell. Bidders (buyers) can place offers in the form of bids on any book. Sellers can determine which offers appeal most and accept them to reveal contact information. Sellers can contact the bidder and arrange transactions personally

Things to improve upon
- email notification for bid acceptance/rejection status
- Cancellation link for bidders
- book type (physical, electronic)
- rating and review system
- types: eg. novels, magazines, newspapers
- categories: eg, mystery, romance, entertainment
- create profile page
- add ISBN as searchable term
- style the listing creation page
- add ability to view bids and accept/deny
- add ability to remove current listings
- add permissions to code to prevent unauthorized deletion
- prevent user from bidding on his own items
- add error checking to certain value inputs (ie. price)
- add style to post page
- add description box to post item page and load to viewbook page
- separation between my bids, and my listings
- view comments
- add number of bids next to listings list
- add images for books
- add genre/category

- add installer for database setup

Progress Report
	- Navigation established
	- Login functionality working
	- User registration and validation working
	- User account deletion working
	- added search ability for BBID and title
	- added ability to view own listings
	- optimized search to find words within words (for title)
	- added hyperlinking of books to their respective info pages
	- added ability to post listings
	- optimized background processes and functions

	- added profile page (unfinished)
	- reformatted post page
	- added hyperlinking to profile page

	- Fixed bugs on the create listing page
	- Adjusted front page interface design
	- Optimized backend fetching scripts (Separated data from styling)