
James Gibson - FTR Platform Developer Coding Test

Primary LanguageTypeScript

James Gibson - FTR Platform Developer Coding Test

Part 1.

REQ: Node Stable installed locally (npm too!)


Install and running the app for the first time:

npm i
npm start

Tech Stack

Typescript (launched via ts-node)

File structure:

  • index.ts

    This is where application metadata is loaded and bootstrapped.

  • app.ts

    Core application interface/ui lives here.

  • systemController.ts

    Core business logic is abstracted here. This allows reuse across multiple application types.

  • data/fibonacci-list.txt

    Sourced from https://oeis.org/A000045/b000045.txt [First 1000 values]


TODO: Install tests

Part 2:

Question 1.

You have a new requirement to implement for your application: its logic should stay
exactly the same but it will need to have a different user interface (e.g. if you wrote a
web app, a different UI may be a REPL).
Please describe how you would go about implementing this new UI in your application?
Would you need to restructure your solution in any way?

Option A: REPL => Web App

App init would be specific to the framework chosen for the front end. However, the core business logic would be nearly reusable in it's current state after connecting the event emitters into the front end and adding tests for all environments

Option B: REPL => API

Connect SystemController's logic into express.js handlers. System state for each client would need to be abstracted to a external data store of some kind, to enable horizontal scaling

Question 2.

You now need to make your application “production ready”, and deploy it so that it can be used by customers.
Please describe the steps you’d need to take for this to happen.
  • Tests, and more tests.
    • Accessibility Tests
    • UI tests
    • Screenshot testing
    • Performance tests
    • Logic testing
    • Unit Tests
    • Regression prevention
  • Documentation
    • Internal (devs / anyone else)
    • User facing
  • CI/CD on every commit, to keep those tests honest
  • Application-specific deploy here
    • NPM deploy as a CLI
    • k8s deploy via helm
    • Static site deployed into cloud block storage

Question 3.

What did you think about this coding test - is there anything you’d suggest in order to improve it?

This was a well thought out test concept based on my experience. There is room for developer expression in the execution while requiring an understanding of the problem.

Improvements? Clearer sample app text would be helpful.