Executor Service Framework - Java Development Kit


The purpose of this codebase is to explore the ExecutorService interface and how tasks can be delegated to service for async exectution.


The ExecutorService is an interface provided by the JDK which simplifies the execution of tasks asynchronously. It creates a pool of threads and provides an API for task assignement.



You can use a factory method for the Exectuors class to create a service. You can create a service directly through an of the instances that implement the ExecutorService interface, however, for simplicity sake, I am going to stick to the factory method as a default.

ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);

Task Assignment:

ExecutorService can exectue Runnable and Callable tasks.

executorService.execute(new Runnable() {
     public void run() {
          System.out.println("Async tasks performed on background thread");


You can choose to shutdown the executorService immediately but calling .showdownNow(). Any remaining tasks that are incomplete will be returned to you in a list. Alternatively, you can invoke .shutdown() which will shutdown the service after all of the remaining tasks are complete.
