Shared Preferences Prototype - Android

Tutorial: The Complete Android Oreo Developer Course - Section 7


The purpose of this app is to explore the used of Share Preferences to store small pieces of data.

Key Classes:


SharedPreferences is Android's version of UserDefaults (iOS). It is not designed for handling large pieces of data as writing and reading to this object are expensive operations that could slow down the app. SharedPreferences uses key:value storage. One of the noticable differences between SharedPreferences and UserDefaults is the use of a default value when retrieve data from SharePrefernces.

Putting and Getting a String

    SharedPreferences sharedPreferences;

    private void saveAndLoadString() {
        sharedPreferences.edit().putString("username", "james").apply();

        String username = sharedPreferences.getString("username", "default");
Putting and Getting an ArrayList

Putting and Getting an ArrayList to and from SharedPreferences is slightly more complex than a primative type in isolation. You need to use an ObjectSerializer to serialize the ArrayList. The serialized array can then be saved to SharedPreferences as a string. When you are retrieving this serialized value, you will need to deserialize it and cast as an ArrayList.

Note: The ObjectSerializer class was provided by the tutorial.

    private void saveAndLoadList() {
        //Create a list
        ArrayList<String> friends = new ArrayList<>();


        try {
            String serializedList = ObjectSerializer.serialize(friends);
            sharedPreferences.edit().putString("Friends", serializedList).apply();
        } catch (Exception e) {

        ArrayList<String> newFriends = new ArrayList<>();

        try {
            //Default Value: You want to pass in an empty serialized list.
            String serializedList = sharedPreferences.getString("Friends", ObjectSerializer.serialize(new ArrayList<String>()));
            newFriends = (ArrayList<String>) ObjectSerializer.deserialize(serializedList);
        } catch (Exception e) {

        Log.i("NewFriends", newFriends.toString());