
MyReads App allows users to search from a catalog of books and save choices to various books shelves. It's built with React & React Router.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Netlify Status Edit reactnd-project-myreads


MyReads is a simple cataloging app that allows you to place books in one of three shelves or categories.

  • Currently Reading
  • Want to Read
  • Read

It also allow you to search for books based on title and author.

This app is the first of three projects required for Udacity's React Nanodegree program.

You can read a detailed walk-through of how this app was constructed in MyReads Code Notes.

You can see screenshots below.


Clone the repository, change directories, and use NPM to install the dependencies.

$ git clone https://github.com/james-priest/reactnd-project-myreads.git
$ cd reactnd-project-myreads
$ npm install


The project can be run with

  • npm start

The project can be viewed in the browser at


