
Website and admin for Salsamish.co.uk

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Salsa Mish

This project is made up of two applications

  1. Website (Frontend that users will see)
  2. Admin (Manages the back end for the Salsa Mish admin to add events/employees that dynamically show up on the website)

Goal for Salsa Mish

  1. Take weight off admin's shoulders as they currently manually update the pages each few weeks with no events - each time having to create an image with the employees for different weeks
  2. Refresh the design of the website, due to technology limitations certain aspects of the current website, such as a responsive design for mobile, were hindered by the technology used to create it.
  3. Enhance the SEO, currently the site is made up predominately by images but the new site would use mostly HTML and CSS to achieve the same visuals

Technologies used

Running locally

To run locally you can cd into either directory's and run npm run dev.


Need to set a few environment variables:

DB_HOSTNAME='' // hostname for MongoDB (defaults to localhost)
DB_USERNAME='' // username for MongoDB
DB_PASSWORD='' // password for MongoDB


Need to set a few environment variables:

DB_HOSTNAME='' // hostname for MongoDB (defaults to localhost)
DB_USERNAME='' // username for MongoDB
DB_PASSWORD='' // password for MongoDB
AWS_ACCESS_KEY='' // Access token for AWS account with read/write access to an S3 bucket
AWS_SECRET_KEY='' // Access token for AWS account with read/write access to an S3 bucket
AUTH_SECRET='' // A secret token used for authentication