Together NextJS WordPress Template

This repo is intended to be used as a base template for developers at Together to clone and use to build production websites using NextJS for the frontend + WordPress for the CMS.


Follow these steps to create a new WP instance on WPEngine and setup the NextJS repo.

WordPress Setup

  1. Create new site in WPEngine

  2. Select "Copy an existing environment to a new site" and use nextwptemplate as the environment to copy

  3. Wait for the site to be created

  4. Go to /wp-login.php and use nextwptemplate details from 1Password

  5. Update password on your new site for the together user and add as new entry to 1Password

  6. Go to /wp-admin/options-permalink.php

    • Check to see if production site uses trailing slashes / no trailing slashes and update accordingly
    • If production site has a resources area and isn't called /resources/, update the permalink to whatever they currently use
    • Don't forget to update resources page slug to match new permalink if changed
  7. Go to /wp-admin/options-general.php

    • Update Site Title to the company name
    • Update Site Address (URL) to http://localhost:3000

NextJS Setup

  1. Create new repo using nextwptemplate repo as the template

  2. Clone to your local machine

  3. Delete /.github/actions/deploy-template-to-wordpress.yml file and commit.

  4. Install dependencies

  5. Setup your .env.local file

    • Duplicate .env.local.example to .env.local
    • Update NEXT_PUBLIC_WORDPRESS_BASE_URL value to your WordPress installation url
  6. Run the development server

    yarn develop

Going Live

  1. Take a backup of the CMS
  2. Go to /wp-admin/options-general.php and update Site Address to the production site URL
  3. Do a find and replace of the old Site Address and replace with production site URL using WP Migrate DB
  4. Ensure robots.txt is set to be indexed