
MicroCMS Framework application skeleton

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

MicroCMS - Micro framework for CMS projects

This is a lightweight and easy to use framework for the development of small CMS-like projects. It is designed for rapid prototyping of a basic application which may later be expanded onto a larger framework (Symfony). The typical use case would be a project that is very limited in initial scope, but a larger and more complex application is planned for the future.


The framework along with a base application directory structure can be installed using composer from the james481/micro-cms-standard package:

$ composer create-project james481/micro-cms-standard /Path/To/Project v0.1.0

MicroCMS provides the following features:


The MicroCMS router implements a stack of request matchers, which are checked in order to match a request:

  • Symfony Matcher - If an environment specific routing file is provided (usually app/config/routing_{env}.yml), any routes specified in that file (in the usual Symfony manner) will be matched first. Routes to custom controllers can be specified by a fully qualified class name and action (\\Namespace\\Pkg\\Class::indexAction).

  • Template Matcher - Any Twig template with the .html extension in the application templates directory (usually app/templates) whose filename does not begin with _ will be automatically routed by name, either with or without extension. In other words, app/templates/foo.html will be rendered by requests to either /foo or /foo.html. Templates can be nested in directories (/foo/bar matches app/templates/foo/bar.html), and you can use the _ prefix for templates that you don't want to be routable (for twig template includes or inheritance, etc).

  • Default Matcher - The default matcher provides routes for the homepage and error pages. If a file named index.html exists in the application templates directory, it will be rendered for the site homepage (as well as /index and /index.html). In addition, the Default Matcher will render _404.html and _500.html for not found and application errors. Note that the _500.html template is only used in the production environment (other environments will display a stack trace for the exception / error).

DI Container

The framework builds a Symfony DI Container, which will be provided to any custom controllers automatically as long as they implement ContainerAwareInterface. The container can be customized by editing the environment specific configuration file (usually app/config/app_{env}.yml) and specifying custom services / factories.

Twig Templating

The DI Container includes a Twig renderer which is setup by the kernel.


The kernel also builds a Monolog logger, which will log to environment specific log files in the application logs directory (usually app/logs). In addition to being used internally by the framework, a PSR-3 compatible trait (MicroCMS\DependencyInjection\LogAwareTrait) can also be used by custom classes for convenient logging.


The framework is currently at version 0.1.0. It is functionally fairly complete and tested, but major additions are planned for future versions.

The framework is implemented using PSR-2 coding standards, and in the PSR-4 namespace standard.


The framework includes PHPDocumentor compatible comments for all source files. The API documentation is not included in this package but can be built with phpdoc in the standard fashion:

$ cd /Path/To/MicroCMS
$ phpdoc -d ./src -t ./docs


The framework includes unit tests for the PHPunit test framework, and can be run by:

$ cd /Path/To/MicroCMS
$ composer install
$ phpunit


Version 0.2.0 will include:

  • More extensive configuration of framework behavior for applications

  • Basic content storage and injection into rendered templates


James Watts - jamescwatts@gmail.com


MicroCMS is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details