
The open source meme generator.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


An API to programatically generate memes based solely on requested URLs.

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Generating Images

The API is stateless so URLs contain all the information necessary to generate meme images. For example, https://api.memegen.link/images/buzz/memes/memes_everywhere.png produces:

Sample Image

Special Characters

In URLs, spaces can be inserted using underscores or dashes:

  • underscore (_) → space ( )
  • dash (-) → space ( )
  • 2 underscores (__) → underscore (_)
  • 2 dashes (--) → dash (-)

Reserved URL characters can be include using escape patterns:

  • tilde + Q (~q) → question mark (?)
  • tilde + P (~p) → percentage (%)
  • tilde + H (~h) → hashtag/pound (#)
  • tilde + S (~s) → slash (/)
  • tilde + B (~b) → backslash (\)
  • 2 single quotes ('') → double quote (")

For example, https://api.memegen.link/images/doge/~hspecial_characters~q/underscore__-dash--.png produces:

Escaped Characters

Alternate Styles

Some memes come in multiple forms, which can be selected via ?style=<style>.

For example, these are two styles provided by the https://api.memegen.link/templates/ds template:

/images/ds.png /images/ds.png?style=maga

Custom Backgrounds

You can also use your own image URL as the background. For example, https://api.memegen.link/images/custom/_/my_background.png?background=http://www.gstatic.com/webp/gallery/1.png produces:

Custom Background

Image Sizing

Images can be scaled to a specific width via ?width=<int> or a specific height via ?height=<int>. If both parameters are provided (?width=<int>&height=<int>), the image will be padded to the exact dimensions.

For example, https://api.memegen.link/images/both/width_or_height/why_not_both~q.png?height=350&width=600 produces:

Custom Size

Clients can also request .jpg instead of .png for smaller files.

API Documentation

The full interactive documentation is available here: https://api.memegen.link/docs/

Here are some sample clients to explore:

Platforms Link Source
Slack --- Python: nicolewhite/slack-meme
Slack --- Go: CptSpaceToaster/slackbot
Slack http://www.memetizer.com ---
Hain --- JavaScript: Metrakit/hain-plugin-meme
Web --- Clojure: jasich/mighty-fine-memes
Web, Slack https://memecomplete.com ---
Discord --- JavaScript: https://github.com/parshsee/discordbot

Additional clients can be found by searching for code examples on GitHub.