
Zero-config management of expiring files.

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is a simple daemon that monitors directories and deletes files that have exceeded a configured time-to-live.



The daemon will watch all provided directories recursively and delete files based on a per-directory TTL. If no directories are provided, the current working directory will be used instead.

TTL is configured by including directories in the filepath named with the pattern ttl=<DURATION>. The TTL is based on the creation timestamp, not the last modified timestamp. For example, /home/user/directory/ttl=30d/documents/test.pdf will be deleted 30 days after the file is first created. TTLs are enforced down to the precision of one second.

If multiple ttl=X directories are found on the filepath, the lowest-level directory's configuration will be used For example, /home/user/directory/ttl=30d/documents/ttl=30m/test.pdf will use a 30 minute TTL instead of the upper level 30 day config.

Only files will be deleted. Directories will not be touched.

Filesystems with hard-linked loops will likely cause the daemon to infinitely loop. This should generally not be possible with most modern Unix-based systems.

Docker Container

You can use the daemon as a Docker container. An example docker-compose.yml file:

version: "3.9"
    image: ghcr.io/james7132/ttl-file-rs:latest
      # By default everything under /ttl is watched by the daemon
      - /your/host/directory/here/1:/ttl/ttl=30d/container/directory
      - /your/host/directory/here/2:/ttl/ttl=10m/container/directory


MIT or Apache 2.0