JSON::WebToken - JSON Web Token (JWT) implementation for Perl6
panda update
panda install JSON::WebToken
use Data::Dump;
use JSON::WebToken;
use Test;
my $claims = {
iss => 'joe',
exp => 1300819380
my $secret = 'secret';
my $jwt = encode_jwt $claims, $secret; #, 'RS256';
say "encoded " ~ Dump($claims) ~ " to $jwt";
my $decoded = decode_jwt $jwt, $secret;
say "decoded to " ~ Dump($decoded);
is-deeply $decoded, $claims;
WARNING: This module is brand-spankin' new. It only supports one type of encryption/decryption (HS256). Contributors Welcome!
JSON::WebToken is a JSON Web Token (JWT) implementation for Perl6
The default and currently only supported encryption algorithm is HS256
and the synopsis above explains how to do it. Once we support RSA, you will be able to specify the algorithm by doing:
use JSON::WebToken;
my $pricate_key_string = '...';
my $public_key_string = '...';
my $claims = {
iss => 'joe',
exp => 1300819380
my $jwt = encode-jwt($claims, $pricate_key_string, 'RS256'); # NOTE: not supported yet
my $decoded = decode-jwt $jwt, $public_key_string;
If and when you use RS256, RS384 or RS512 algorithm, Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA is required.
If you want to create a Plaintext JWT
, should be specify none
for the algorithm.
my $jwt = encode-jwt($claims, '', 'none');
This method decodes a hash from JWT string.
my $decoded = decode-jwt $jwt, $secret, 1, ['HS256'];
Any signing algorithm (except "none") is acceptable by default, so you should check it with $accepted_algorithms parameter.
This method adds a signing algorithm.
use JSON::WebToken;
class Foo {
method sign ($algorithm, $message, $key) {
return 'H*'; # or whatever the heck your signature is
method verify ($algorithm, $message, $key, $signature) {
$signature eq self.sign($algorithm, $message, $key);
add_signing_algorithm Foo.new;
SEE ALSO JSON::WebToken::Crypt::HMAC or JSON::WebToken::Crypt::RSA .
Same as encode()
Same as decode()
JSON::WebToken::Exception will be thrown with following code.
When some method arguments are not valid.
When secret is required. (alg != "none"
When JWT segment count is not between 2 and 4.
When each JWT segment is not encoded by base64url.
When alg == "none"
but signature segment found.
When JWT signature is invalid.
When given signing algorithm is not supported.
When given signing algorithm is not included in acceptable_algorithms.
jamesalbert AKA jimmyjam5000ME (Millennium Edition) jalbert1@uci.edu
Authors of Perl5 JSON::WebToken:
xaicron xaicron@cpan.orggt
Copyright 2016 - jamesalbert
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.