
Code for the Clovertone Music website

Primary LanguageClojure

Configuration file

We synchronize data to Google Drive using rclone. rclone has to be set up in advance, before running the server. Authorization requires a browser, but rclone has a remote setup system, so that the browser does not have to be running on the same machine as the server.

The Clovertonemusic.com server requires the existence of a file called config.edn in the data/ directory (relative to the server root directory). Here is an example file:

  ;; Should be one of `:dev`, `:test`, `:prod`. If `:env` is defined as (for example) `:dev`, then
  ;; the `:dev` key will be used when looking up all of the other configuration parameters.
  :env :dev

  ;; Should be one of :debug, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal
 :log-level {:dev :debug
             :test :info
             :prod :info}

 ;; The server URL:
 :http-server {:dev ""
               :test "dev.clovertonemusic.com"
               :prod "clovertonemusic.com"}

 :http-prefix {:dev "http://"
               :test "https://"
               :prod "https://"}

 ;; Connection details for the smtp server. When nil, then the local UNIX mail system will be
 ;; utilised:
 :smtp-server {:dev nil
               :test {:host "smtp.server.com"
                      :port 999
                      :user "user"
                      :pass "pass"
                      :ssl true
                      :tls true}
               :prod {:host "smtp.server.com"
                      :port 999
                      :user "user"
                      :pass "pass"
                      :ssl true
                      :tls true}}

 ;; The email address of users who are considered to be site administrators. Use one of these
 ;; logins to perform various administration tasks, such as manually entering purchases for users:
 :site-admins ["EMAIL_ADDRESS_1" "EMAIL_ADDRESS_2"]

 ;; Email address for Clovertonemusic customer support, used in from and to fields in emails and
 ;; on various pages:
 :support-email-address {:dev "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
                         :test "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
                         :prod "EMAIL_ADDRESS"}

 ;; Used for notifying system administrators of important errors and events:
 :noreply-from-email-address "EMAIL_ADDRESS"

 ;; The from address for activation emails to new users:
 :activation-from-email-address {:dev "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
                                 :test "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
                                 :prod "EMAIL_ADDRESS"}

 ;; Email address to notify of error events:
 :admin-errors-email-address {:dev "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
                              :test "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
                              :prod "EMAIL_ADDRESS"}

 ;; List of email addresses that should be notified of significant events:
 :admin-ops-email-list {:dev ["EMAIL_ADDRESS"]
                        :test ["EMAIL_ADDRESS"]
                        :prod ["EMAIL_ADDRESS_1" "EMAIL_ADDRESS_2"]}

 ;; If an email address is defined (or not nil) in this map for a given environment, then that
 ;; address will be used as the recipient on outgoing emails in lieu of the actual recipient.
 :recipient-email-address {:dev "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
                           :test "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
                           :prod nil}

 :stripe-api-keys {:dev {:publishable "PUBLISHABLE_KEY"
                         :secret "SECRET_KEY"}
                   :test {:publishable "PUBLISHABLE_KEY"
                          :secret "SECRET_KEY"}
                   :prod {:publishable "PUBLISHABLE_KEY"
                          :secret "SECRET_KEY"}}

 ;; Info required to read the catalogue and users/purchases dbs from the Google Drive:
 :remote-drive-name "RCLONE_DRIVE_NAME:"
 :catalogue-xlsx-name "ClovertoneMusicCatalogue.xlsx"
 :users-and-purchases-xlsx-name "ClovertoneMusicUsersAndPurchases.xlsx"

 ;; This is used in the body of the emails sent to the operations team: