We synchronize data to Google Drive using rclone
. rclone
has to be set up in advance, before running the server. Authorization requires a browser, but rclone
has a remote setup system, so that the browser does not have to be running on the same machine as the server.
The Clovertonemusic.com server requires the existence of a file called config.edn
in the data/
directory (relative to the server root directory). Here is an example file:
;; Should be one of `:dev`, `:test`, `:prod`. If `:env` is defined as (for example) `:dev`, then
;; the `:dev` key will be used when looking up all of the other configuration parameters.
:env :dev
;; Should be one of :debug, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal
:log-level {:dev :debug
:test :info
:prod :info}
;; The server URL:
:http-server {:dev ""
:test "dev.clovertonemusic.com"
:prod "clovertonemusic.com"}
:http-prefix {:dev "http://"
:test "https://"
:prod "https://"}
;; Connection details for the smtp server. When nil, then the local UNIX mail system will be
;; utilised:
:smtp-server {:dev nil
:test {:host "smtp.server.com"
:port 999
:user "user"
:pass "pass"
:ssl true
:tls true}
:prod {:host "smtp.server.com"
:port 999
:user "user"
:pass "pass"
:ssl true
:tls true}}
;; The email address of users who are considered to be site administrators. Use one of these
;; logins to perform various administration tasks, such as manually entering purchases for users:
:site-admins ["EMAIL_ADDRESS_1" "EMAIL_ADDRESS_2"]
;; Email address for Clovertonemusic customer support, used in from and to fields in emails and
;; on various pages:
:support-email-address {:dev "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
;; Used for notifying system administrators of important errors and events:
:noreply-from-email-address "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
;; The from address for activation emails to new users:
:activation-from-email-address {:dev "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
;; Email address to notify of error events:
:admin-errors-email-address {:dev "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
;; List of email addresses that should be notified of significant events:
:admin-ops-email-list {:dev ["EMAIL_ADDRESS"]
;; If an email address is defined (or not nil) in this map for a given environment, then that
;; address will be used as the recipient on outgoing emails in lieu of the actual recipient.
:recipient-email-address {:dev "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
:prod nil}
:stripe-api-keys {:dev {:publishable "PUBLISHABLE_KEY"
:secret "SECRET_KEY"}
:test {:publishable "PUBLISHABLE_KEY"
:secret "SECRET_KEY"}
:prod {:publishable "PUBLISHABLE_KEY"
:secret "SECRET_KEY"}}
;; Info required to read the catalogue and users/purchases dbs from the Google Drive:
:remote-drive-name "RCLONE_DRIVE_NAME:"
:catalogue-xlsx-name "ClovertoneMusicCatalogue.xlsx"
:users-and-purchases-xlsx-name "ClovertoneMusicUsersAndPurchases.xlsx"
;; This is used in the body of the emails sent to the operations team: