
This project can be used for a new Laravel project and you can manage roles, permission, website things.

Primary LanguagePHP


About Laravel Template Admin Panel

This template can be used as starter pack of any laravel project. Easy to extend code for any feature.
To see the progress report of this project, Project report.


  • Login (yourhostsite/admin/login) (email: admin@example.com, password: abc123)
  • Reset password (setup your mail enviroment) Mailtrap
  • File manager used for image upload.
  • Tinymce used for description.
  • Feathericons used for icon.
  • Sweetalert used for delete feature.
  • Can view, create, update and delete permission for new features.
  • Can view, create, update and delete role for any user.
  • Can assign permissions to a role when creating.
  • Can view, create, update and delete user.
  • Can view user activity.
  • Can assign any ROLE to user when creating.
  • Can view, create, update and delete Currency.
  • Can view, create, update and delete CMS Category.
  • Can view, create, update and delete CMS Pages.
  • Can change Logo, Favicon, SEO setting, default CURRENCY, Contact details, Social Media links from setting.
  • Can read errors logs.

To run this code on your enviroment

  1. Make a test domain, Go to this location -> C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
    Edit 'host' file and paste -> giveaname.test
    Again, go to this location -> C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra
    Edit 'httpd-vhosts.conf'file and paste ->
    <VirtualHost *:80> ##ServerAdmin webmaster@dummy-host2.example.com DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/projectname/public" ServerName giveaname.test ##ErrorLog "logs/dummy-host2.example.com-error.log" ##CustomLog "logs/dummy-host2.example.com-access.log" common

  2. Create database and Edit '.env'

  3. Go to 'bootstrap' folder -> then 'cache' folder and delete everything inside folder. (If 'cache' folder is not available then make this folder)

  4. If 'storage' folder doesn't exist then make 'storage' folder and inside 'storage' folder make these folder 'app', 'framework', 'log'. Inside 'app' folder make 'public' folder. Inside 'framwork' folder make these folder 'cache', 'sessions', 'testing', 'views'. Inside 'cache' folder make 'data' folder.

  5. If 'storage' folder exist then delete all files inside these folder 'cache', 'sessions', 'testing', 'views'. And make sure inside 'cache' folder there exist 'data' folder.

  6. Then run all of commands,

                     composer install
                     php artisan key:generate
                     php artisan storage:link
                     php artisan migrate
                     php artisan db:seed
                     php artisan cache:clear
                     php artisan config:clear
                     php artisan view:clear
                     php artisan config:cache
                     php artisan view:cache
                     php artisan route:cache
                     composer dump-autoload
                     php artisan vendor:publish
  7. For reset password feature config '.env' file with Mailtrap.

  8. Now open your browser and go to your domain and ENJOY.