
💻 A simple Angular Blog website styled with Tailwindcss, using Netlify Serverless Functions and MongoDB Atlas.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

☁️⚡ Angular Serverless Function (Netlify Functions) & Mongodb

This project is a simple blog website built using Angular (for the frontend) and connecting to Netlify Functions and storing data using MongoDB.

This is a basic project to learn and explore Serverless Architecture.


Serverless architecture is a way of building and running applications and services without having to manage infrastructure. It provides a set of powerful tools to make websites and web applications both extremely performant and highly dynamic.

Project setup

Before running the project locally, make sure you have:


  • Run npm install to install the dependencies
  • Run netlify dev to start a local development server



Please make sure that you have the latest version of Node.js installed on your machine and netlify-cli is installed globally on your machine, if not you can install it using npm install netlify-cli -g


Aworo James


This project is licensed under the MIT license.