
A curated list of awesome JupyterLab extensions and resources

Awesome JupyterLabAwesome

A curated list of awesome JupyterLab extensions and resources.

Inspired by awesome-python.


  • LaTeX - An extension for JupyterLab which allows for live-editing of LaTeX documents.
  • DrawIO - An extension to draw diagrams in JupyterLab.
  • Table of Contents- Generates a table of content for your notebook and markdown documents.

User Access

  • JupyterHub - This adds a "Hub" menu to JupyterLab that allows a user to log out of JupyterHub or access their JupyterHub control panel.

Version Control

  • Git - Git extension (currently in alpha)
  • GitHub - GitHub extension


  • Bokeh - An extension rendering Bokeh content
  • ipywidgets - Interactive widgets for the Jupyter Notebook
  • fasta,geojson,katex,plotly,vega2 - Multiple package repo that consists of generic renderers for common file types and mime types as well as renderer extensions for JupyterLab.
  • voyager - A JupyterLab MIME renderer extension to view CSV and JSON data in Voyager 2.






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