

  • Install terraform
  • make a secrets.tfvars file
    • variables are in the following format
    • do_token = "your_token"
  • cd into directory of service you'd like to launch
  • run terraform init
    • Start Infrastructure
      • run terraform apply --var-file=/path/to/secrets.tfvars
    • Destroy Infrastructure
      • run terraform destroy --var-file=/path/to/secrets.tfvars



  • Variables
    • aws_access_key
    • aws_secret_key
    • aws_key_name
    • aws_ssh_identity

Digital Ocean

  • Variables
    • do_token
    • do_ssh_fingerprint
    • do_ssh_identity

Current Infrastructure

  • plane-bypass
    • changes the ssh port from 22 to 3128
  • docker-install
    • installs docker-ce
  • cobaltstrike-server
    • downloads and updates cobaltstrike
    • puppet is used to install cobaltstrike. You'll need to add your license key to the default.pp file under manifests.
    • puppet is used to install letsencrypt and configure the java keystore. You'll need to add your DNS name to the default.pp file under manifests.
  • api-gateway
    • starts an aws api gateway endpoint, pointing to an uri assigned in the terraform file.