
A schema for memberships, renewals, payments, multiple members, families, benefits, etc, that actually works. Eventually automation.

Membership Schema And Benefits

Project Team

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Project Vision (Your first task as a team)

A schema for memberships, sponsorship, renewals, payments, multiple members, families, benefits, etc, that actually works. Eventually automation etc.

  • What is the big problem that your project is trying to solve? The existing NPSP membership data model is very lightweight and doesn't meet many orgs' needs. We seek to design a data model that is flexible and extensible for a wide range of membership and entitlement models including memberships and sponsonships.

  • Who will be using your project? Organizations that have any form of membership or sponsorship, paid or unpaid.

  • A year from now, how do you see people describing your project? A foundational data structure that can be extended and modified

  • Use these questions to form a clear vision statement of 3-5 sentences (rough guideline). The team would like to provide nonprofits and consultants with a framework for benefits including memberships and sponsorships that is separate from opportunities for both technical and operational considerations. These include benefits that are not tied to a financial contribution as well as the ability expose benefits objects to all SF license types (community, platform, etc). It also decouples purchasing a benefit from the benefit recipient(s).

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We've reviwed the list of requirements and confirmed that the model fits. Notes below

  • Track retention, renewal and reacquire
    • "Benefits" object can encompass membership as well as sponsorship. And provides a high-level overview of allocated benefits and usage of those benefits
  • automate labeling of membership opps as new, renewal, reacquire
    • Could be a future project
  • Individual memberships
    • Tracked w/ Membership RT Benefits object + contact benefit role junction object
  • Dual & Household memberships
    • Supported using one Benefits object and a Contact Benefit Role object for each "member" or recipient
  • Multiple Contacts attached to a membership, not necessarily tied to a Account
    • Supported via Contact benefit role; detached from Account
  • benefits/or Membership can be assigned to specific or additional contacts - relevant for Organizational membership that grants benefits to a specific number of members
    • Supported because Benefits don't flow down to Contacts via Account; Affiliations could be leveraged to automate if desired
  • Memberships without payment, eg, gift memberships & subscriptions
    • Benefit does not need to be linked to an Opportunity
  • Free memberships
    • see above
  • Membership levels & products
    • Retains current flexiblity to use either a membership picklist on Benefit (rather than Opportunity) or use various record types or Products to track this
  • Overlapping membership levels, especially re: discounted levels like Senior or Student
    • This is a business process decision to be made by the organization; could assign additional Benefit Items based on org business process. Example: senior + student discount; can be assigned additional Benefits Item; Benefits object could have a senior/student level picklist or simply choose one over the other, could use discouting in Opportunity Products.
  • Personal Benefit/non-tax deductible amount
    • Flexiblity to use either Opportunity or Opportunity Product for this
  • Multiple memberships per contact
    • Supported!
  • acknowledgements & receipting
    • Payment acknowledgement/receiting continutes to be handled on the opporutnity, if desired Benefits emails could be created or automated
  • automate renewal creation
    • Optional based on business processes (could automate this in many ways internally); not part of the initial package
  • automate renewal reminders
    • See above
  • tying benefits to specific events, eg, seats, ads
    • Have flexiblity to connect
  • marking memberships as lapsed
    • End date field on Benefits object
  • grace period
    • Defined by business process/future requirement
  • multi-year memberships
    • Defined by business process/future requirement
  • membership # associated with Contact(s)
    • Optional business process, lives on Contact
  • membership card
    • Optional businss process
  • suspending memberships
    • Could suspend either at Benefits level or at Benefit Contact Role - could automate using Affiliation status for business
  • organizational memberships
    • Supported
  • periodic/recurring payments for memberships
    • Payments are separate from benefits
  • suspension of membership if recurring payment missed
    • Optional; could be automated/future
  • Communities compatibility/automation
    • Supports all licenses
  • differentiate between membership benefit entitlements and actual receipt of benefits
    • Optional "benefits use" object could be built or simply use picklist on benefit item
  • track if member declines benefits - relates to tax-deductibility as well
    • Could be supported according to business processes
  • benefits over longer period of time, including over multiple events
    • Supported

Requirements to refine

  • Benefit/purchase rollovers - yes, could be moved to another Benefits object
    • status in benefit Assignment - yes, could be picklist or additional object
  • Different benefits -> new vs. renewing
    • business process decision
  • Membership records required for:
    • Communities
    • Org/Corporate memberships
  • BDI considerations

Image of MemberPosterPhoto.jpg

Ongoing concerns

  • Complexity of the model
    • LDV performance issues
    • End-user friendliness
    • Distance between Contact and Benefits
  • Struggle to name objects that accomodates both membership & sponsorship
  • Migration of opportunity-centric model to custom object
  • Rollups
  • Benefits object fitting too many roles (membership, sponsorship, line items)


  • Current model V3

    • addressed LDV concerns; allows all benefits to be viewed in a single related list connected to Account
    • re-used Benefits object for both big picture things like Membership as well as more specific line items
  • Previous V2 model

    • Reduced number of objects

Previous Data Models:

Image of InitialDataModel.jpg

  • Benefits (or "membership/sponsorship" object)
    • Struggling to name this—it's confusing
    • Lookup to itself in order to create a hierarchy to relate for example benefit items to one membership purchase
    • OOTB Membership and Sponsorship RT
    • Probably want a 3rd "Item" RT that designates the child Benefits
    • Stores "type" information (purchased, gifted, awarded)
    • Designated Primary contact - creating a BCR for this Contact recommneded as the first automation
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Sponsorship Type
    • Member Level
    • Status - optional?
  • Benefit Contact Role (for lack of a better name) - probably will only pertain to Membership RT but flexible
    • Junction record between Contact and Benefit
    • Shows history of membership
  • Benefit Offering
    • Catalogue of specific things an organization might give as part of a membership or sponsorship. Parent of Benefit

Next Steps

  • Use cases / user stories
  • Prove out on model - in progress
  • Firm answer on the membership and its junction
  • Define MVP and Roadmap
  • List edge cases we will not support
  • List custom settings/automation to prioritize


  • Custom setting (or metadata) : based on product, assign related benefits to Opportunity
    • for future

Project Resources

Project Team Accomplishments

  • Reduced data model to 3 objects
  • Many, many discussions that all return to the same core data model
  • Feeling confident in creating a junction object between contact and membership
    • slightly less confident in how to address benefits

Future Contributions (AKA what were you unable to finish at the Sprint)

  • Write use cases
  • Build proof of concept