
ansibly configs and playbooks for my personal machines

Primary LanguageShell

James' Ansible configs

These playbooks should make it quicker to set up new personal computers. If you're not me, feel free to use them, but know that I have some me-specific things in them (like a hard-coded "james" username) that you'll want to change.

Linux usage

Note that these steps all assume that you're setting up Arch Linux with Wayland and Sway on an Intel laptop with integrated graphics.

For new systems, you'll need to follow the installation guide.

One you're booted into the newly installed OS and logged in as a non-root user with a password, install some dependencies:

pacamn -S git ansible ansible-core neovim

Then clone this repo:

git clone https://github.com/jamesbvaughan/ansible && cd ansible

Allow the wheel group to use sudo:

EDITOR=nvim visudo

Run the main playbook:

ansible-playbook main.yaml

Extra steps


Set it as the default:

xdg-settings set default-web-browser org.qutebrowser.qutebrowser.desktop

Install the English dictionary:

/usr/share/qutebrowser/scripts/dictcli.py install en-US


In order for the Spotify part of waybar to work, you need to authenticate with Spotify:


macOS usage

Install ansible:

brew install ansible

Install ansible-collection-mac:

ansible-galaxy collection install geerlingguy.mac

Run the macOS playbook:

ansible-playbook -K macos.yaml

macOS manual steps:

  • Set caps lock to control in system settings
  • Set display resolution in system settings
  • Set trackpad tracking speed
  • Log in to 1Password

Helpful resources
